He says pray for them, but he talks of congress finding 92,000 more to go. I was upset to hear him.
He said "the reality of it is our troops are spread very thin, and they need help, and we’re going to give it to them in Congress."
OLBERMANN: All right, specifically, what do you do about two Army brigades, the ones we just mentioned, going to Iraq this spring, no longer getting the specialized training to fight in the desert, because they’re part of this surge? What is Congress going to do to try to stop that from happening (INAUDIBLE)?
MURPHY: Well, the president has ordered them to go, and, you know, the reality of it is, I think all of us here at home need to pray for them. We’re looking at what we can do in Congress right now. We obviously have a supplemental coming up, and we look forward to -- You know, we were having these hearings. The reality of it is, is, you know, they didn’t even talk about it for the past six years. You know, they had a Congress that didn’t like to ask the tough questions.
And, you know, I, you know, General Pace—I served under him, obviously, you know, Keith, that I served in the military, just got off of active duty a few years ago. And, you know, I talked to him about the training of the Iraqis. I talked to him about the readiness issue.
And Congress, you know, has finally asked him, you know, Do you need more troops? Do you need more troops? Under Rumsfeld, they never needed more troops. And now they’re saying, We need 92,000 more. So we’re looking at how we could do that for them."
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17384412/According to him they are going to send a lot more troops, then get down on their knees and pray for them.