Just to be clear about what the Coulter incident means: what she said isn't the issue. The issue is that lefty bloggers appear to be the only ones who understand the significance of the Coulter incident. The CPAC is a gathering of conservatives. It is a conference. It is essentially a statement about what it means to be a conservative in 2007. And based on the response of conservatives to Coulter at the conference, she must be one of the top spokespeople for conservatism. This is where the substance of her remarks matters. What she said, has said, and will continue to say is entirely negative. Coulter conservatism is about hatred, destruction and war. Nothing else. She doesn't make arguments, she identifies enemies and belittles them at best, threatens them with violence at worst. That in itself is bad enough but the real problem is that the mainstream media are silent about it. This is apparently "normal" for them and hence not news. They have failed to appreciate the shift in what it means to be a conservative in America. It isn't about limited government, low taxes, elevation of faith and military toughness, it is about Coulter conservatism. Conservative ideology has failed in practice and all that remains is ranting about "faggots."