Edited on Sat Mar-03-07 08:43 PM by Peace Patriot
It is a fascist coup. And they are responding as if it were just another election cycle. Oh, they'll use Bush/Cheney crimes to score points. But do anything about these horrendous criminals running our country? Not likely.
True, they are handicapped by Diebold/ES&S not counting some votes (I'd say a 5% to 10% "thumb on the scales" for Bushites, warmongers and corporatists), so that any good people who make it into Congress don't have the strength in numbers to truly represent the American people and see to our interests. But whose fault is that? They all went along with rightwing Bushite electronic voting corporations "counting" all our votes with 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code. Not a peep out of them. All those e-voting billions running through their fingers. And they're not even going to repair this now. We'll be lucky if we get a paper trail out of them and a stinking 2% audit. The people will have to prove who didn't win, rather than election officials having to prove who did.*
The other factor is the war profiteering corporate news monopolies. They treat dead poor peoples' bodies floating in the waters of New Orleans, torturing prisoners, slaughtering 100,000 innocent people in Iraq in the initial bombing alone, a $10 trillion deficit amidst multiple tax cuts for the rich, alienating every country on earth, and ripping the Constitution to shreds, as mere policy gaffes or even as positive developments. All normal politics. Stolen elections? What do they care? They eat. They have fun. They're "powerful." Their five rightwing billionaire CEO media moguls are pleased with them. Who cares about war? Who cares about the Constitution? Let's go to a pink funeral!
They treat Bush/Cheney as if they were legitimately elected, and they treat the nuking of Iran as if it were actually thinkable--and just another "policy difference." And that is why the Republicans think they can win in '08. All is lost in the corporate news media river of forgetfulness. And whose fault is that? Who signed the Telecommunications Act? (Hint: not Bush.)
The Republican Party ought to be dismantled and banished from this land, for what they've done. Most of their leaders should in jail. And our alternative are people who are too often corrupt and collusive. That's why the Republicans dare to show their faces, and dare to talk of winning. It's all rigged in their favor--from the "trade secret" vote counting, to the billion dollar "think tanks" monopolizing C-Span for an entire day (yesterday) and shoveling out their manure of "talking points" to the fascist media.
They've made unjust war seem NORMAL. They've made torture seem NORMAL. They've made murder seem NORMAL. They've made grand theft on an unimaginablescale seem NORMAL. They've made utter lawlessness in the White House seem NORMAL. They've made stupidity seem NORMAL. They've made intolerance seem NORMAL.
And Bush, Cheney and their "pod people" in Congress are TREATED AS IF they are NORMAL by OUR politicians and by the vile corporate news monopolies.
They haven't convinced the American people of ANYTHING. Look at the opinion, job approval and issue polls over the last several years. The American people are in complete disagreement with this fascist agenda, and have been all along. But we don't really count any more. Our votes are highly stealable. They aren't out to convince us. They are out to create a plausible national narrative in which OUR opinions don't figure, so that we begin to think that we, the great progressive American majority, are in the minority, and so that WE begin to think that unjust war is normal, and torture is normal, and stupidity is normal, and is approved of by some illusory "majority" that doesn't exist--except in Diebold/ES&S's "black box" voting machines.
Our Democratic leaders should have burned down the capitol to prevent the "Help America Vote for Bush Act" of 2002 from being passed. Instead they all voted for it (or most of them did**). And their silence about it has been mind-boggling. They treat Bushite corporations "counting" all our votes under a veil of corporate secrecy as NORMAL.
Why wouldn't the Republicans think that they could win, in these circumstances?
*(In Venezuela, they do a FIFTY-FIVE PERCENT audit--hand count of ballots against voting machine totals. That's why they have a good president and we have a fascist pig, and a Congress that can't stop a war that 75% of the American peopel oppose.)
**(Interesting exceptions--Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer voted against it. And about 60 House Democrats. With Clinton and Schumer, it was not likely their belief in democracy, but rather a sop to New Yorkers, who like their old, reliable, unriggable, mechanical lever voting machines. EVERYBODY ELSE in the Anthrax Senate voted FOR it. Unfriggingbelievable. And the leader of that coup on the Democratic side was Sen. Christopher Dodd, who thinks he can sidle into the White House as Hillary's VP, as a return favor from Diebold/ES&S. He is a complete, slippery-tongued demagogue. Watch out for that guy! With Hillary, at least you can see the warts.)