A caller to his radio show used the word "tyrant" in his question, and BRINKER immediately stopped him, saying, "*I* don't call him 'tyrant'. YOU did." The caller agreed, then proceeded with his question, whether Venezuela and Iran would be able to throw the U.S. economy "off" or into whatever negative condition.
BRINKER said that Venezuela and Iran "don't have the clout to do that." Then he went on to say, "Why would Hugo CHAVEZ even WANT to do that? He. Loves. Money. And he would be (shooting himself in the foot) if he could hurt the U.S. economy. Does anybody know that he is involved with one of the biggest oil concerns in this country?"
The caller said, "He loves POWER." BRINKER said, "Money IS power." BRINKER was QUITE MILD in his CHAVEZ comments, did NOT indulge in a stereotypical wingnut TIRADE.
Later on, a caller asked whether politicians should be required to take a course by a leading economist before being allowed to be politicians. Without addressing the abridgment of liberty such a requirement would entail, BRINKER said that ignorance of economics is evident in most/all politicians, saying, "I'm neither for nor against Hillary CLINTON, but her recent criticism of China buying (U.S. Treasury Bills?) was scary, whether it was just populist pandering or whether she really believed it. Why WOULDN'T we be in favor of China using the profits it has made with OUR money to invest it BACK into OUR economy instead of spending it somewhere else?"
Now, I am nowhere knowledgeable about economics. I don't even know anything about BRINKER beyond that he is on my car radio talk show station when I run errands on Saturdays AND THAT HE SOUNDS EVEN KEELED. If somebody here tells me is a wingnut capitalist pig, I'm as likely to believe you as not. If somebody here calls me a freeper-capitalist-DLC-pig, which is more likely than not to happen, you are an ad hominen/DU-rule-breaker.
Now, please, I make no secret that I detest CHAVEZ/CASTRO on the Left as much as I detest PERONistas/BATISTA on the Right. I am pleased when I can find somebody reasonable criticizing any of the named ones, such as CHAVEZ. If you have reasoned discussion points to counter what BRINKER said, fine. But name-calling ME does not further your case. I have voted for EVERY Dem nominee across MANY years---and the nominees have been from a WIDE VARIETY on the ideological spectrum. Just between McGOVERN and LBJ there was quite a chasm (I straddled). So calling me a freeper is just absurd (and immature).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_BrinkerBob Brinker
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Bob Brinker is the host of the ABC talk radio show Moneytalk, which has been on the air since 1986. He previously had a show on local radio in the New York area going back to 1982. Brinker includes market timing in the investment newsletter he authors, titled Marketimer, which contains recommendations on no-load mutual funds along with several model portolios.
Bob Brinker's Moneytalk radio show is heard on close to two hundred radio stations on Saturdays and Sundays from 4-7 pm Eastern Time. The show is also heard live on both XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio, and is also streamed live globally on the internet. Moneytalk on Demand is a streaming service that allows around the clock access to Moneytalk radio broadcasts for a monthly fee.
Brinker is a long time member of the New York Society of Security Analysts and the Financial Analysts Federation. He served as Vice-President Investment Counsel at The Bank of New York, and on Wall Street as Chief Investment Officer for the U.S. division of Guardian Royal Exchange, London. Bob is the co-founder of the "BJ Group", an investment management firm that he sold in the summer of year 2000. Brinker continued to provide asset allocation guidance for the firm after the sale.