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The surge in Iraqi terror will be diminished the moment Saddam is disarmed. -the Boy King

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live love laugh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 01:35 AM
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The surge in Iraqi terror will be diminished the moment Saddam is disarmed. -the Boy King
Edited on Sun Mar-04-07 01:46 AM by live love laugh
Watching Ghosts of Abu Ghraib on HBO and they just showed ** mumbling those words, lying through his teeth.

Untrained troops assigned to guard Abu Ghraib, no plan at all--told to restore the facility in 90 days, "the most dangerous place on earth" according to one soldier--IED's everywhere and bombings and shootings daily killing prisoners, the facility opened with 1,000 prisoners and within a month there were 6,000, they were given general details about "the enemy"--the enemy was driving white cars so they rounded up people in white cars--the enemy was dangerous and holding them had "global implications", interrogators untrained, inhuman conditions--wild dogs running around, a stench of urine, feces, filth, incinerators, most people there were just referrals by brown-shirt neighbors...

"Thanks to the United States of America 50 million people once lived under tyranny and they now live in freedom."--**

Rumsfeld and General Miller under Rumsfeld's orders initiated the harsh torture tactics.

Of course with all this incriminating evidence, Bush was "kept out of the loop". None of this has anything to do with him. It's all Rumsfeld's fault. :sarcasm: The whole feature focuses on, it seems, blaming Rumsfeld and Miller and one other prison guard--Granger. I guess it's acceptable to talk about it as long as Bush is not mentioned.

Excuse me while I :puke:
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Erika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 01:43 AM
Response to Original message
1. You're right. W said once Saddam was captured
that the Iraqis would lose their fear. Then it was elections, then it was, then it was.

Now it's No, this is W's legacy. But hey, the globalist corporatists have never seen a higher profit in their lives as they shift our taxes to the corporations. W smiles. That's why he was "selected" president in 2000.
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azurnoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 02:09 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. In a very cynical way he was right
Edited on Sun Mar-04-07 02:21 AM by azurnoir
Iraqi's did lose their fear, their fear of fighting back against foreign invaders, Shia lost their fear of retaliating against the Sunni, the Kurds lost any fear of anyone. In fact if any more fear is lost no one in Iraq will have any margin of safety.
The American public was to believe that Iraqis would become models or reflections of western societies, and maybe they did, just think if a foreign power invaded the US knocked down the government, military, and civil entities, bombed a good percentage of the water and power infrastructure, and installed a puppet government, it is quite possible a similar sort of anarchy would take place here.
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live love laugh Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-04-07 02:17 AM
Response to Original message
3. Oh it gets better...while Rumsfeld resigned, Miller was promoted
and given the Distinguished medal of Honor. The highest ranking official to be disciplined was Janice Karpinski.

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