liberals and Dems would get off their asses and start buying radio stations. Really! We HAVE to start building our OWN noise machine The more powerful a network WE can build, the easier it will be to outshout the bad guys and take over the airwaves, reach a lot more people with a message that a lot of them just never, ever get to hear (and that might change a few minds, hearts, AND votes), and influence policy for the better. The bad guys and cheapskates and Dark Siders have had the biggest and most powerful microphones to themselves FOR YEARS now. Their monopoly MUST be dismantled. Many people don't know our side of the argument simply because there's no place where it's presented to them. If all they watch is Pox Noise, they're going to keep on thinking that we're winning in Iraq, things are going "swimmingly" - as coultergeist would say - in Afghanistan, that Saddam had WMDs (which have been found) and that he was in bed with al Qaeda to perpetrate 9/11. Even now, according to the latest observations by such outfits as Editor & Publisher (there's a thread about this elsewhere, I saw it on the home page) that have noted how much coverage and information Pox Noise viewers are getting about the Walter Reed scandal. Next to NONE. Instead, they're getting saturated with Anna Nicole Smith. People will remain ill-informed as long as the information brokers have personal, myopic, self-satisfying agendas and only present one side of the story.
It's the only way to yank some of our "public servants" back to attention. Remember how nobody knew about contradicta's 5th Avenue shoe-shopping spree while thousands of her fellow citizens were drowning in New Orleans - as I can clearly recall reading: "the bloggers chased her back to Washington" to - um - er - GET THE FUCK BACK TO WORK BECAUSE WE'RE IN THE MIDST OF A NATIONAL EMERGENCY AND WE AIN'T PAYING YOUR ARROGANT, INCOMPETENT ASS TO GO SHOPPING AND GALAVANTING ALL OVER MANHATTAN WHEN YOU HAVE SERIOUS, URGENT WORK TO DO. The news media didn't lead with that. Alternative media did. The news media didn't jump on ann coulter's latest disgrace until the guerrilla media had been all over it for a whole day. The mainstreamers should have had it first, and been all over it like a cheap suit. The mainstream needs to be rebuilt so this stuff gets exposed. And so people like contradicta and ann coulter and these jackasses running Walter Reed and the rest of 'em GET EXPOSED, AND SHAMED. They need to be made to look bad, and the only way you can do that with any force or clout is to have it all over the mainstream media, with the biggest bully pulpits and the loudest microphones. I mean, I saw a clip of brit hume thoughtfully proving my point. I guess he was on the Pox Noise Sunday talk show and his main complaint about the Walter Reed disgrace was that it threatened to make the White House look bad.
Well, so be it. If cosmetics are your thing, then so be it. They need to look bad. Accordingly, they need to be made to look REALLY bad on such emergency-priority, GENUINE "culture of life" issues like poverty, homelessness and hunger - things that REALLY affect ever-expanding numbers of people painfully and harshly EVERY DAY. EVERY DAY!!! And it needs to be a nationwide campaign, EVERYWHERE. Since something goes farther and speaks louder if it's on TV or radio than if it's in newspapers or magazines, then the airwaves are it. We need to take back the airwaves, and get this message out there on a grand scale, and, indeed, SHAME our so-called "leaders" who have allowed this shit to happen. Anybody who saw any part of those hearings yesterday in which these big-ass, hotshot generals, kiley and weightman, squirmed and sweated and hemmed and hawed in their seats in front of a bank of paparrazzi crouched on the floor inches away from their table, with cameras full-on them in close-ups and medium shots, and the lights in their faces, while being jackhammered with questions about their negligence will agree. Especially in THIS day and age when there are so dismally few real consequences of any significance when someone does wrong, dragging them in front of the cameras and mikes at public hearings and putting them on the hot seat is about all we have. And there are HUNDREDS of people, maybe THOUSANDS, in Washington, starting from the very top, who deserve this shaming treatment for THEIR negligence on the poverty and homelessness issue.
And there ought to be somebody banging a VERY large, VERY loud drum out there all the time, reminding people that THIS, TOO, IS HOMELAND SECURITY, FOLKS.