Wait a minute...didn't dubya "crush" the Taleban a while ago?
Taleban spread wings in PakistanBy M Ilyas Khan
BBC News, North Waziristan
As the spring sets in Taleban fighters in Pakistan's tribal region of Waziristan, bordering Afghanistan, are increasingly visible.This bodes ill for the coalition forces in Afghanistan.
But it also highlights problems for Pakistan's government. It is faced with the prospect of the Taleban and their allies trying to consolidate their expansion eastwards inside North West Frontier Province (NWFP).
They have already carved out two safe havens in NWFP. They were able to do so after signing deals to the west in the tribal districts of South Waziristan and North Waziristan with the Pakistani government in 2004-05.
The deals have enabled different factions within the Taleban to start moving in significant numbers into the cities and towns of NWFP with the aim of overwhelming the local administration. This is an area that has been historically under much closer control of central government than the tribal border areas.