You've just demonstrated in plainly "me/me/me...MY/MY/MY" terms exactly why these threads get shuffled off to "speciality" forums. You refuse to acknowledge that others who have LEGITIMATE ISSUES may not feel as you do when it comes to PRIORITIZING issues.
What a cheap shot--people who don't agree with "YOU" are compared, in your own rather mean words, with, among others, RUSH (well done, that--totally lousy and deliberately cruel--a lame attack, bordering on personal, for shame). You list a group of people who are assholes as strawman confederates of anyone who doesn't see things PRECISELY the way you do.
That's pretty low, and if you think about what you did you would see that.
And it's done without a shred of embarrassment. Frankly, that sort of tactic gives those GOP South Park Snark Buttheads on the right a whole ton of ammo. That's the sort of intolerant perspective you'd see coming out of a clownish righty CHARICATURE of a liberal. Well done... uh....not.
Your rather myopically refuse to acknowledge that there is any other worldview than your own.
You argue from positions that are absolutely ludicrous if your perspective is that of a DARFUR refugee, a terminally ill person, anyone living on the desperate margins. Your privleged or suburban glory pervades.
Now, what would the poor schmuck from Darfur say about your INSISTENCE about the overarching importance of this matter? "Gee, which shall I choose? A focus on global warming, or a focus on the females in my family not being raped and murdered when they go to the well for water?? Oh, WHICH is more important?"
OK, come along now--let's explain to the guy dying of cancer why global warming is more important than cancer research! Sure, the drama and SINCERITY that you exude will convince the guy! It's YOUR cause, thus, it must be his--he has days to live, but let's put global warming first.
Give me a break.
Here is the truth. Some people actually do not see these issues as you do. That is not speculation, it is simple fact. And you need to "appreciate" it. And UNDERSTAND it. And realize it. Anything else is, well, intolerant. You aren't going to convince ANYONE by stomping your foot and saying "Because I SAID so!!!!"
YES, global warming is a key issue. So is saving the lives of people who are dying of malnutrition, who are dying because of war, famine, disease, you name it.
One more time. Where you stand depends entirely on where you sit.
I am not quantifying or characterising this truth, I am simply stating it. You need to get the spirit, and join the world.
A lot of us CAN walk and chew gum.
I think it's time for me to disengage on this. You are entrenched.
Have the last word, enjoy yourself.