Austin American-Statesman
Dinner at Karl’s
By Ken Herman | Sunday, March 4, 2007
President Bush, a homebody who rarely goes out to eat, made a rare dinner venture out of the White House on Sunday night. Bush and the Mrs. motorcaded to the Washington home of longtime adviser Karl Rove and wife Darby.
The menu apparently included sausage and quail wings. We know this because Bill Sammon of the Washington Examiner, on pool duty for the dinner trip, sent an e-mail to Rove asking if he would send a doggy bag out to the vans in which the pool reporters were holding.
Ask and ye shall receive. Not long after the e-mail, somebody emerged and delivered the sausage and quail eggs.
“These were eagerly accepted,” Sammon graciously noted, “despite the fact that by now the pool was already scarfing down pepperoni-and-mushroom pizza from Domino’s.”
No word on whether Rove, known as something of a kitchen magician, prepared the president’s dinner.