from the Times Herald-Record (Middletown NY), via CommonDreams:
Published on Monday, March 5, 2007 by the Times Herald-Record (Middletown, New York)
It's Time to Create a Little Shock and Awe in the Streets
by Beth Quinn
I get occasional e-mail from readers complaining that they're sick of my writing about Bush's war.
Well, by golly, me too. I'm entirely sick of writing about it.
I'm sickened by it, too. I want to throw up I'm so sickened by it.
Who can even keep up with each new Goal Of The Day this president claims to have in Iraq? I'm exhausted from trying to follow the bouncing ball as he careens from one rationale to the next.
I was hoping I could take a nap from it all after the mid-term elections. Ah ha! I thought. The Democrats finally have some power — now they'll fix the mess!
But here we are — four years from Mission Unaccomplished with most of America sick to death of this stupid, pointless war. And what have we got from the new Democratic Congress that we had such high hopes for? ....(more)
The complete piece is at: