This story struck my heart, because it has to do with a man who has been suffering for over 30 years now, because, like so many of those teenagers who sat in classroom desks in front of me, he once lived in a place where he just didn't fit in. If he had fit in, he would have kept his mouth shut in the presence of Injustice and would likely be a free man now.
Gary Tyler didn't fit in and local members of the Democratic Party used that to their own advantage. Southern party loyalties have long since switched, but we still bear some responsibility for what happened. I apologize for the guilt trip, but this IS a man's life we're talking about here.
Thirty-two years ago Gary Tyler, a 17 year old black kid in Louisiana, was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit. The sentence was commuted to life in prison and there he waits. He will be 50 soon and is still waiting for Justice. The trial was a sham. Amnesty International has declared him a political prisoner. Gary Tyler deserves a full pardon and a chance to live his life. So much was taken from him, give him back the rest of his life.
Democratic Underground member redwitch and her husband created this website and she intends to send the signatures to Governor Blanco.
Read the details and Please sign and **share** the petition! www.freegarytyler.com
It will only take a few minutes of your time. Google and read Bob Herbert's columns about the case and do the right thing. Thank you!