(ST. LOUIS, MO) – You’ve heard the saying “one person’s trash is another person’s treasure.” On
January 1, 2007 this adage will come to life on the Internet. That date marks the launch for Gigoit.org, a
free online service designed to help people get rid of reusable items by putting them in the hands of
people who want them. The end result: keeping usable items out of the landfills.
This new service is called “Gigoit” (gī'gō'īt) – an acronym for “garbage in, garbage out.” It is the
brainchild of Peter Schmalfeldt and John Kramlich, two St. Louis entrepreneurs who together envision
what could potentially become the largest donation center on the Internet.
“Our goal is to provide communities with a free venue where people donate their unwanted items to folks
who want them -- right in their own communities,” Schmalfeldt said.
It’s a common problem in this era of “disposable everything” – individuals and organizations are regularly
faced with the problem of deciding what to do with items that are still useable but that they no longer
need. What do you do with the old refrigerator when you get a new one? What to do with perfectly good
hand-me-downs but no one to hand them down to? On the other side of the equation are individuals and
organizations that suddenly find they need something, but either can’t afford a new one or don’t have the
time or patience to navigate the shopper classifieds or rummage sales.
Gigoit to the rescue!
With Gigoit -
http://www.Gigoit.org - it’s simple to use your zip code to acquire or unload an item. New
users may register for an individual or organization account. Instead of heavy-handed moderators, the
site employs a unique user-run rating system which promotes user trust and responsibility.
“We believe our site should be grown by the people who will be using it, and the users will heavily impact
the direction and services Gigoit will provide,” Kramlich said. “We expect this to be a great way for people
to get their reusable items to people in their community who want and need them. It’s a win-win
situation for everyone.”
Gigoit is a non-profit organization and is funded by donations and ad revenue. Proceeds will not only go
to operating expenses for Gigoit.org, but also to other non-profit organizations as determined by the users
of the web site.