conservative blogger is now calling on CPAC to rule out any future appearances by Ann Coulter in the wake of her "faggot" comment.
So here's the question: Will other conservative voices follow suit?
Sean Hackbarth of The American Mind has put up a petition for his fellow conservative bloggers and others to sign, asking CPAC to no longer invite Ann Coulter to future gatherings. He writes:
One of the points of CPAC is the opportunity it gives college students to meet other young conservatives and learn from our leaders. Unlike on their campuses—where they often feel alone—at CPAC they know they are part of a vibrant political movement. What example is set when one highlight of the conference is finding out what shocking phrase will emerge from Ann Coulter’s mouth? How can we teach young conservatives to fight for their principles with civility and respect when Ann Coulter is allowed to address the conference? Coulter’s invective is a sign of weak thinking and unprincipled politicking.