While I was down south in Dixie, my halo showed up again. It's downright weird..It's no longer gold.. just kind of swirly and cloudy
Do these pants make my ass look big?
Goin' to look at wrecked up houses & stuff gets to be a drag, so here I am cuttin' loose a bit..
Vroom vroom... Eat your heart out John Travolta..
Boy howdy.. I should'a never had seconds on that habanero slurpy
Here I am right after I slurped it...
Might stop off at Merck on the way home to see how they're coming along on that new drug they're workin' on. i think they're gonna call it oxyfoot
Next drug I want 'em to make somethin' to help me stand up straight like a good boy
And what's "Number 2" been up to? We'll he's a "wartime-
turd vice president" so he's been out warrioring. ...I hear he was even playing the trombone or sumthin like that.. Isn't a thrombosis a smaller trombone without the slidey thing? Anyway he's really talented, since I heard he played it with his LEG :)
Laura didn't come with me.. She went to hang out at some fish tank. Here she is in a spilt screen with some chick who was interviewing her..(musta been a demon-cRAT)
and How surprised was I when she showed off her Valentine's gift I gave her.. (you can never go wrong with a nice pair of gloves.. Gloves go with everything.. That's what Mom always told me)
Notice how well they go with the Christmas boots I got her .
Is it Friday yet?