from Media Matters:
Savage continued his attacks on Etheridge, Hollywood following CAA scandal
On the March 2 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, after he was reportedly dropped by Hollywood's Creative Artists Agency (CAA) following comments attacking singer and CAA client Melissa Etheridge for thanking her wife during her Academy Awards acceptance speech, Michael Savage continued his attack on Etheridge. As Media Matters for America documented, on the February 26 broadcast of his show, Savage asserted -- in response to Etheridge's speech -- that homosexual marriage "makes me want to puke" and said that married gay couples' raising of children amounts to "child abuse." On March 2, Savage called Etheridge a "hack" and said, "I find it nauseating, the idea of a woman saying 'my wife.' " He also repeated his attack on gay parenting: "I'll repeat it again: The idea of two women who are so-called married raising children, I think it's child abuse." Savage also said of Etheridge: "She didn't have to rub it in our face. She had no obligation to make us all listen to her agenda." Savage added, "Right now, the Caesars of Hollywood -- and I don't mean Sid Caesar -- the Caesars of Hollywood are so drunk with their power that they feel they've got nothing to lose by rubbing their agenda in everybody's face."
Although Savage did not mention the status of his CAA representation during the March 2 broadcast, he did portray himself as a victim of "this new McCarthyism": "We live in a free country. And I will not cater, and I will not kowtow to McCarthyism. Right now, the radical left are the so-called McCarthyites of today. ... If someone does not conform to the standards of this new McCarthyism, they do not work in Hollywood. They do not write a script, the script doesn't get published, the movie doesn't get made. The people are thrown off the air because we're living in a new sort of McCarthyism, but much worse." Savage added, "
are the fascists that they feared all their lives, and they have become the fascists. And nobody will stand up to them. Nobody." He went on to say: "I stood up, and I stood up for you -- the people who feel the way I do. And that's all there is to it. And now we can move on."
Savage later referred to the "Pink Hand of Hollywood" that "control" virtually everything that is heard in the media" -- a reference to the purported "homosexual mafia," which Savage has claimed is responsible for "control virtually everything that you read, everything that you see, everything that you hear, everything that you wear."
SAVAGE: All right, I find it nauseating. Turn it off. Now, I said that on Monday, that I find it nauseating, the idea of a woman saying "my wife." She didn't have to rub our face in it. She had no obligation to make us all listen to her agenda.
But, you see, the idolaters have gotten so emboldened in their power, and their power madness, that they exemplify Lord Acton's comment that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right now, the Caesars of Hollywood -- and I don't mean Sid Caesar -- the Caesars of Hollywood are so drunk with their power that they feel they've got nothing to lose by rubbing their agenda in everybody's face.
Now, I'm one of the few people out there who see it for what it is. I'm not the only one who sees it, rather. I'm one of the few people in the media, maybe the only one, who will even mention what I find to be disgusting. I find it nauseating, and I'll repeat it again: The idea of two women who are so-called married raising children, I think it's child abuse.
The complete piece is at: