Dennis Kucinich speaking from the Floor of the House
Sep 28, 2006
"Iran should not have nuclear weapons; and, along with the United States as a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, should work with the community of nations to abolish all nuclear weapons, as is the express intent of the NPT.
"However, this Administration is trying to create an international crisis by inflating Iran's nuclear development into another Iraq WMD hoax. There they go again.
"Today, the House will consider a bill
which will give the Administration a pass on covert activities it has already undertaken in Iran to attempt to destabilize the government. Additionally, today's bill will enable another Rendon-type propaganda machine to feed the US media a steady stream of lies, all to set the stage for a war against Iran.
"Think about it: this, without a single hearing on Iran in this Congress. Think about it: this, while the State Department and DOD are ducking even classified briefings.
"There is a Chinese proverb that says: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Will Congress be fooled again into supporting still another war against still another nation, which is not an imminent threat and which has no intention nor capability of attacking the United States?"
H.R. 6198, Iran Freedom Support Act, to hold the current regime in Iran accountable for its threatening behavior and to support a transition to democracy in Iran
H. Res. 1066, Requesting the President to provide to the House of Representatives certain documents in his possession relating to United States policy toward Iran.
The Iran Freedom Support Act passed with only 21 Democrats in the House voting against it. It had 22 Democratic Cosponsors in the Senate.
Bolton Refuses To Answer Kucinich’s Questions About US Troops In Iran
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