many networks right now-"The Great Global Warming Swindle" (:eyes:)....
Strangely this is airing on BBC (no doubt in an attempt to achieve the
"fairness and balance" of Faux.)
Anyway neither CNN nor Faux seem to think it worthwhile pointing out that the guy is a former "scientific advisor" to the oil industry: Ball
From SourceWatch
Dr. Timothy Ball is Chairman and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP). <1> Two of the three directors of the NRSP - Timothy Egan and Julio Lagos - are executives with the PR and lobbying company, the High Park Group (HPG). <2> Both HPG and Egan and Lagos work for energy industry clients and companies on energy policy. <3>
Ball is a Canadian climate change skeptic and was previously a "scientific advisor" to the oil industry-backed organization, Friends of Science. <4> Ball is a member of the Board of Research Advisors of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy, a Canadian free-market think tank which is predominantly funded by foundations and corporations. <5>
Ball is also a writer for Tech Central Station. <6>
This dubious "documentary" boasts support from such well-known "skeptics" like Bjorn Lomborg (a political scientist by training and with no background in the climate sciences, whose book "The Skeptical Environmentalist" was riddled with lies and falsehoods. There are a lot of excellent websites out debunking the book) and
Richard Lindzen (who gets paid $2500/hr of consulting by the oil lobby).