Edited on Tue Mar-06-07 09:43 AM by TNOE
They don't even try and hide the fact that they are a criminal organization.
When you go to work for robber barrons, or a crime family - or the Devil as it were -
You don't take care of the people who helped you do the robbing, you don't provide health care for them, and you don't really give a shit if they live or die. In fact, you might even kill a few of them off yourself so they can't get their cut. It's all about the money (and Oil too in this case) and what is imperative is that all the money goes to the top - to the planners.
All these billions (probably a Trillion before its over) - and all that money is going into Halliburton's pockets, the oil companies' pockets, and the weapons industry - which of course, all include Bush family members and their cronies.
They don't even hide it anymore. Screw the Veterns, screw the soldiers, screw their families, screw their livelihood, screw their futures. As long as the Planners of this organized robbery called "war" continue to reap wealth and riches beyond their wildest imaginations - MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED.