The degree to which Harry Reid needs a gut check was not obvious to me until we DEMS assumed the majority. To be fair, I believe he did a good job when we were the minority party on the Hill. I do struggle with dissing any true DEM, particularly our Majority Leader on the Senate floor; yet I do believe it would be better for our party to have a leader with the boldness and passion which reflects the will of We The People.
I have not a clue if changing Majority Leaders between an election cycle is unprecedented or not? Help there anyone?
Listening to James Webb yesterday as he introduced a bill to limit Shrub's trigger finger on Iran, I am reminded of the boldness and initiative we expect from a DEM leader.
watch here: from the same site, Progressive Radio personality Taylor Marsh concurs - this is in reference to Harry Reid's response to James Webb's bill:
Harry Reid offered some drivel that went like this... "very, very confident ... in real generality ... that I can support" Webb's resolution. "In real generality"? What the hell does that mean? It's doubtful Reid even knows. In case I haven't made it clear before, I'm starting to wonder about our majority leader. He's been positively spineless on Iraq. If he can't support Webb's bill all bets are off with me.I'm dedicated to our party and DEM values; I also am disappointed in Harry's leadership since taking over the post as Majority Leader. We need Feingold-type passion and guts to lead in the Senate. How about Russ as leader? Again, is it crazy to advocate for a new Majority Leader or is that shift a worthwhile and needed goal to reflect the true heart (and guts) of our party?
On Edit: I was not suggesting that James Webb should be Majority leader (not as a Freshman Senator) though I see him as an archetype for the type of leader I believe the DEMS need on the Hill. I could see James Web running for the DEMS for President someday :)