So, why? Why is it that we keep our troops over there for so long? In the face of all logic and reason, why does one defy these truths in the pursuit of seeming madness?
I have tried to wrap my head around this central question for some time now. What is it that drives Mr. Bush to keep our troops there in the face of everything that suggests that they should leave? What is it? Is he frightened, paranoid of “them” following us back here to the US? Does he know something we do not? No….no I don’t believe that to be the case. America is great…America is a giant. Pain these terrorists can inflict upon us could be nothing worse that a mere paper cut in all relativity. Sure, 3000 civilian deaths is a tragedy, but come on, it’s nowhere near to becoming close to take down the US. So what then is it?
I’ve looked and I’ve searched, and I think I’ve stumbled upon an answer. An answer so simple, so obvious, that I didn’t notice it at first because I neglected to look directly ahead of me. The answer lies, with all things forgotten, in the past. One must look back to Rome to see, but the answer lies there. Power, power not only to rule or acquire wealth, but power for the sake of power.
So what does keeping the troops over there have to do with his lust for power here? Is it to use the military to acquire more power and wealth? Again, no…not exactly. The fact that he does acquire these things from this endeavor is merely inadvertent. No, the real reason he needs to keep the troops there is the very same reason corrupt roman emperors kept the legions fighting in the frontiers. To keep the military, the only real threat to his power, as far away and as occupied as can be so that their focus is on protecting each other from death while he takes what he wants from the home. With the military occupied in battle, it can not affect its most sacred duty…namely that of protecting the citizens from all enemies foreign and domestic. With corrupt political appointees at the top, the real military commanders are blind to truth of this fact.
The military, you see, is generally made up of decent well-meaning people. I know, I’ve served in the Army myself. They have no aspirations of power or dominance, they are there trying to earn a better life for themselves but overall serving for a principle they know to be greater than themselves. Their dedication to the idea of America laid out in the Constitution is without reproach, yet without the ability to see the inherent truth of their situation, they are incapable of fulfilling the founder’s ideals.
In truth and with all reasonable certainty, Bush has the power now to dissolve Congress and retain power indefinitely. His neo-conservative and religious partners are elated and ecstatic that this possibility is within their reach. The mere perception that this is a real possibility should be absolutely frightening to every thinking American. This is then why it is imperative that the troops be brought home now, to curb this threat.