more and more every day. We're starting to hear some AWFULLY fun stuff about cheney/libby/rove from the libby trial now. We're seeing more tight sphincters in the Senate and the House - among those who previously were part of the bush/cheney juggernaut and who now have excess stomach acid to deal with for their loyalty. We see Rosie O'Donnell mouthing off FOR IMPEACHMENT on "The View" and the audience CHEERING every time she mentions it. THAT'S Middle America, my friend. We see the polls NOT flipping in bush's favor after the State of the Union, and no waffling republi-CONS stiffening their resolve and marching back onto the reservation. QUITE the contrary.
Understand completely your feelings of powerlessness. But I think the momentum's with US now, and we are on the correct side - AND more people are coming around to OUR side day by day. And I think that's a key reason WHY you even ARE seeing republi-CONS starting to pull away from the White House's stand on Iraq. A year ago today, the kind of debates, declarations, musings, and open arguments you're NOW seeing in the news, and in the committee hearings on CSPAN, would have been unthinkable. NO one would have dared speak out like this in opposition to bush blowing his nose into his open zipper in public, much less wanting to escalate the war. Now, we have all kinds of people sticking their necks out. Know why? Clearly it's because they're getting avalanched in their offices by voiced voter opposition to the war. It's clearly lopsided AGAINST. And they're taking note. It's too soon for memories of the November election rout to have faded. We just got another really glaring reminder of that on nationwide TV in the State of the Union speech, with a new (female) DEMOCRATIC Speaker of the House sitting up there behind bush all evening, plain as day. She's there FOR A REASON - because so many bush-buddies/allies/apologists/appeasers got voted OUT. And the survivors have noticed this. Hell, it's hit 'em over the head as though it were a flailing 2 x 4. And they're undoubtedly noticing how the rest of the country has quite vocally gone that way, too. And the media's asking more questions. And cheney's probably popping antacids and anti-diarrhea meds and heart pills like they were M&Ms. And the angry emails keep coming to Jack Cafferty - who reads them on the air. And Keith Olbermann's ratings keep going up - putting him on the air on MSNBC a lot more frequently. And one-by-one, members of the Rolaids crowd at the White House are gonna be giving up the ghost and jumping ship to save their own skins. And more and more, the death toll and the carnage and violence and chaos in Iraq - all - keep increasing. And THAT'S all on the news. Every night.
Every day and every night, we gain a little bit more ground. Did you think we'd be positioned where we are, now, on this last full week of January 2007, back where you stood during the last full week of January 2006? Or during the last full week of January 2005? Remember the sense of desolation and overwhelm back then? Well, stop for a moment and just consider, as objectively as you can, HOW MUCH HAS CHANGED IN THAT TIME!!!
And try not to feel powerless. You aren't. We've come pretty damned far! No time either to get complacent OR to give up! Take heart! I have been feeling a stronger sense of "the realm of the possible" for weeks now. It's really reinvigorating! There finally is hope. Finally!