Shannon stood there with the eye patch , he is an intelligent man fighting to control has rage against this screwed up system that the BCF created .
Then the fellow on the far left wanting to go back to Iraq either to support his troops , in an odd way I felt he had given up and wants to go out fighting .
Then there was the lady who's husband had extensive brain damage .
Here they are pelted with questions and some were asking how they would change things , jesus , should'nt they just be taken care of , isn't this obvious ? They have been through ENOUGH !
It is difficult to find out this is how they have been treated even though we knew funds were cut back now to actually hear and see what these vets have to say and thier condition it is almost unbearable .
Now that the horrid conditions of walter Reed are out there should been immediate care given to these vets , not tomarrow or next week or after extensive hearings but right this second .
Here today bush stands there asking for more troops to support his mass murder killing spree with even more troops to return home ( home being a completely destroyed america is every way imaginable ) .
I'm sorry , I just don't get it , impeachment , HELL , these criminal need to be removed in hand cuffs and jailed for ever , They can have their trial just as the ones in gitmo that they support , no relent , no remorse , no excuses .
In my ideal moments I have a vision of millions storming the white house to do the right thing and remove these freaks . Legally if possible .
I don't see the house ever doing this as the days click by and the deaths pile up and the lies continue .
They have completey destroyed this country and stripped it of all humanity and hope and law . There is not one single day that goes by that some horror can't been found in just about every corner of this country that used to be america .
We are now as citizens or vets , young or old are as despensible as the toss away cheap meaningless products many so proudly purchase at the endless stream of box stores that cover the landscape .
What a horror , what an abomination , and just what will we find out next that will carve just a bit more of our substance out of us ?
I sit here desperately searching for hope and a way out of this surreal nightmare as I know many of you also do .