I just did my part to end that after seeing a United Negro College Fund ad on her site.
I got the following reply after sending in the indented emails to the AdCouncil (and the UNCF):
Thank you for this information. This has been forwarded to our headquarters in New York for a proper response.
Kind Regards,
Regional Managing Director
Ad Council – Central RegionSent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:26 PM
To: Sarah Kayson; John Boal; Sondra Hawkins; Karen Volkman; Susan Hiltz; Nicole Husband; Kristina Corrales; Heidi Trockman; Rona Evans; Christa Pugh; info@intermarkets.net
Cc: therese.badon@uncf.org; shirley.matthews@uncf.org; paulette.jackson@uncf.org; sam.burston@uncf.org
Subject: RE: Ann Coulter website advertising UNCF
It appears that the ad vendor Mercuras/Intermarkets is hosting your ads on the website.
If you click on this link you’ll see the banner:
http://www.mercuras.com/0506/ac_468x60_v1.htmThe following code was pulled from Coulter’s home page:
<!-- Primary ad code ROS, 468x60 Banner (Above Fold) -->
<iframe src="http://www.mercuras.com/0506/ac_468x60_v1.htm" width=468 height=60 hspace=0
vspace=0 frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=no></iframe>
<!-- Primary ad code ROS, 468x60 Banner (Above Fold) -->
<!-- (c) 2005 INTERMARKETS, INC. -->
From: Oreo
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 1:05 PM
To: 'skayson@adcouncil.org'; 'jboal@adcouncil.org'; 'shawkins@adcouncil.org'; 'kvolkman@adcouncil.org'; 'shiltz@adcouncil.org'; 'nhusband@adcouncil.org'; 'kcorrales@adcouncil.org'; 'htrockman@adcouncil.org'; 'revans@adcouncil.org'; 'cpugh@adcouncil.org'
Cc: 'therese.badon@uncf.org'; 'shirley.matthews@uncf.org'; 'paulette.jackson@uncf.org'; 'sam.burston@uncf.org'
Subject: Ann Coulter website advertising UNCF
I'm not sure if you realize this but the AdCouncil is featured as the only remaining advertiser on Ann Coulter's website.
If you have not heard she called John Edwards a faggot. Do you think the NAACP would appreciate you advertising them on her site?
http://www.anncoulter.orghttp://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/03/05/coulter.ads/index.html I appreciate your quick action in this matter.