Edited on Tue Mar-06-07 04:46 PM by Lester222
I was thinking about it for a while today and it suddenly occured to me that Hugo Chavez is actually pretty Republican. In fact, I think he would be the ideal presidential candidate for the GOP in 2008. I just decided to post some of my thoughts here. I'm real curious to hear if anyone agrees with me :). So here goes:
1. Chavez is not for gun control. In fact, he just recently ordered 100.000 Kalashnikovs from Russia to pass them out to the peasents of Venezuela for self-defense.
2. Chavez is for upholding freedom of speech. He encourages active participation of the citizants in government affairs and tolerates different oppinions to be voiced on independent radio stations. Even the opposition, that constantly bashes the crap out of him severely, has their say on several private stations.
3. Chavez is for „little government“. The social changes which are going on in Venezuela are carried out mostly by the people themselves, which organize themselves in the local communities and only turn to the government when they need assistence. In fact, the Venezuealan constitution states that any government official can be voted out of office by plebiscite, after half of their legislature, how is that?
4. Chavez is a Soldier. He joined the military when he was seventeen and served as a low ranking officer up until his election as President.
5. Chavez is a member of the working class. His parents were modest teachers. He never had any big money in the background and didn't attend any college, prior to his military career (he did study at a military academy though and took a few classes in politics later).
6. Chavez is a Christian. A catholic in fact. Just as 96% of the population of Venezuela he fears the devil and admires Jesus more than Che Guevara.
7. Chavez is for family values. He is married only the second time and has four children. He likes to talk about them alot on TV. And as far as I know he is not known to have had any affairs.
8. Chavez is a very practical person. He takes a kind of „if it keeps us from starving, then its good“ stance on most issues. He believes more in getting to work and getting the job done than in talking and theoretizing alot.
9. Chavez likes to be blunt in debates. If he thinks something is a lie then he will simply say „That's a lie“. If a foreign politician bothers him he will simply say „You're the devil.“ Then he will turn it into a running joke and go on and on about the smell of sulfur, while others (foreigners) are still wringing about how he could have said such a thing.
10. Chavez is american. South american maybe, but still a member of the new world, a region of former British and Spanish colonies, who had to fight hard for their independence.
Of course there are also a few reasons against him. First of all, there is no death penalty in Venezuela. Second, he doesn't like to lecture other countries on their form of dealing with things. And third, his ancestors where former african slaves and american natives and he has no known record of election fraud. But given that the social conditions I have personally observed in particilar in the southern regions of the USA, I would think that he would be exactly the kind of guy people in the rural areas of Tennessee, Alabama and Louisiana should be voting for. Of course, they would probably be too scared that a guy like him would take away their freedom of speech, their churches and their right to carry guns. And of course they probably would be right wouldn't they?
Regards, Lester