Most of you will probably remember the recent GQ article detailing very clearly the crimes of this administration that merit the impeachment of Vice President Cheney. I believe the title was "The People vs Richard Cheney" or something to that effect.
Well, I sent these articles to my congressmen,
Rep. Jim Marshall (D-GA 8), for his consideration. This is the dismissive response I received:
Thank you for contacting me to cite the reasons why you feel President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be impeached.
Clearly, President Bush's approval ratings are low and the public is becoming increasingly dissatisfied with his Administration's policies. Hence a new Democratic majority in both houses of Congress.
With this change in power will come new priorities and policies. Many are yet unknown. And although I certainly disagree with the President on many issues, I do not agree with all of the reasons you cited, and know of nothing that warrants the drastic step of impeachment.
Thanks for writing. Please let me know if I can help you in any other way.
Very truly yours,
Well, "Jim," why didn't you just send me a 3x5 notecard that says "Go fuck yourself?" Because that's what I got out of this response. There are plenty of acceptable ways to say "impeachment isn't appropriate at this time," but don't tell me there's nothing that warrants it. You, Jim, are no better than the right-wing scum who ran against you in November, and you can trust that I won't hold my nose and cast another vote for you when the time comes.
I hope you are all writing your congressmen, especially these "Democrats" who see nothing that warrants the "drastic step of impeachment." And I hope at least some of you are getting responses that, at very least, show that your concerns were taken seriously.
On edit:
I have just emailed Congressman Marshall the following response:
To The Honorable Jim Marshall:
Today I received your response to my request for your support of Vice President Richard Cheney's impeachment. You concluded your letter with the statement, "I know of nothing that warrants the drastic step of impeachment."
As dismissive as your response is, I beg that you reconsider this stance in view of today's verdict in the I. Lewis Libby trial. It has been found by a federal grand jury that Libby, working directly for Vice President Richard Cheney, engaged in a criminal coverup consisting of perjury, making false statements to the FBI, and obstruction of justice. To assume that Vice President Cheney had no involvement is to willfully ignore the reality we all exist in.
I have provided you with something that clearly and inarguably warrants the admittedly drastic step of impeachment. Please, for the good of this great nation, draw up articles of impeachment today. There is absolutely no excuse for continuing to allow a criminal enterprise to control one of the highest offices in the land.
We cannot allow a "fuck you" form letter to quiet our calls for justice. If your congressman is in denial,
argue! MAKE them acknowledge the validity of our claims. "Oh well, I tried," is NOT going to get the job done.