Posted here on DU is a quote from an AP story about Domenici and Iglesias: that story ("Senator says he called prosecutor") was cited this fact:
Domenici, a Republican, had said earlier in the week that he didn't know what Iglesias was talking about. But Sunday, he acknowledged that he called Iglesias to ask about a criminal investigation, though Domenici insisted he never pressured nor threatened Iglesias.
OK, what does this 'graf imply? It says Domenici initially lied about calling Iglesias. Once it was apparent that Iglesias was going to name names, Domenici changed his tune.
When I went to the linked story today, the paragraph was gone, replaced with this set up:
One, David Iglesias of New Mexico, was the subject of four phone calls from Domenici, R-N.M., to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and his deputy questioning whether the prosecutor was "up to the job," department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse said.
Iglesias was well aware of the senator's interest in his work. Domenici said over the weekend that he had called the prosecutor in October 2006 to ask about the progress of a probe into an alleged Democratic kickback scheme.
Iglesias has said he received calls from two lawmakers — he has not named them publicly — who inquired about the case. He said that he felt pressured by them to rush indictments before the November elections.
Domenici has apologized for the call while denying he put any pressure on Iglesias. The Senate ethics manual advises lawmakers to refrain from speaking to court officers about specific proceedings until after they are resolved.
Now the story eliminates Domenici original denial, and the whole question of lying.
Can anyone find a version of the original story? I have searched Google and can't find the original, but perhaps my Google Fu is wanting.
This is yet another example of the Corporate Media covering for the GOP.