Does ANYONE have the video of * "warning" reporters about how they don't talk about their sources??
hang a left
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Tue Mar-06-07 07:17 PM
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Does ANYONE have the video of * "warning" reporters about how they don't talk about their sources?? |
Does anyone remember that back in the fall of 2003. It was a press conference I believe. And * looked down at the pool of reporters and said something to the effect of we probably will never find out who the leakers were because "we know how you reporters don't discuss your sources". Or something real close to that.
I remember distinctly how he looked at the reporters almost threateningly with his smirk.
Anyone know where this video is??
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Tue Mar-06-07 09:03 PM
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1. I don't have, but I remember the way he said it with a nervous titter.. |
And of course with a smirk for good measure. And you have his words exactly right.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:05 AM
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