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Rambling Rant about the Right Wing

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Madspirit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 08:07 PM
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Rambling Rant about the Right Wing
Please forgive this rambling rant. I haven't slept in a couple of nights. Another thread about fiscal conservatism made me think of this. This post isn't just about fiscal conservatism. It's a rambling pissed-offness post. It's not a copycat thread. It's an "inspired by" thread.

People often use the excuse of being a fiscal conservative to hide an ulterior agenda. I see this a lot with Libertarians. I think most Libertarians claim to be socially liberal but fiscally conservative. The truth is, that's a contradiction in terms. Who the hell do they think being fiscally conservative hurts. It never hurts the war budget. It never hurts Big Business. It always hurts the same ol' same ol'--women, children, minorities, the poor, the uninsured, the disabled, etc. I will believe the sincerity of a fiscal conservative when they say they want to cut the military budget down to "teeny" to make way for some social programs. that will ever be.

(I tell my few Libertarian friends that they want all the "fun" of being liberal without any of that pesky "he ain't heavy, he's my brother" stuff. ...and it's true.)

Fiscally conservative Republicans are the scariest of all. They don't want to help ANYONE. They don't even want to give money to police, firemen, hospitals, teachers, veteran's medical care, etc. ...and yet, for some reason, they still need a GIGANTIC military budget and they still need to give Giant Corporations, giant and immoral breaks, excuses and exceptions.

Businesses are almost completely immune from the law and yet commit more crimes against the people than any other criminals. That's my own stat just btw so don't ask for a link. I just think that if you added up every criminal act of business, it would far exceed all other criminal acts put together.

Businesses, every single minute of every single day, commit criminal acts ranging from your usual white collar crap, which may sound like a "clean" crime on the surface but often entails wiping out people's entire pensions, etc., to testing drug mishaps, sometimes not even telling people they are being used as guinea pigs, to not taking responsibility for mistakes they make, even ones that kill, to dumping their waste crap into our air and water, destroying our planet and creating Illness Clusters in neighborhoods across the US and the world.

They have no qualms about feeding substandard baby foods to third world countries, no twinges of guilt for selling out-of-date medicines or vaccines to the poorest of the poor. They have no morals. Period. ...and they do all this with a nod and wink from the government because they are the government. The Right Wing Government not only wants to pander to business, they want to PANDER!!!!! to business. They're not just dancing with The Rich and The Mighty; they are in bed with them. Lovers. America is a giant corporation. So of course we are going to be nice to and favor our Businesses, the spawns of The Mother. Humans are expendable.

That's why we are in the Middle East. I saw a special the other night on PBS. While our soldiers are fighting and dying and being forced to kill and the Iraqis are fighting and dying and being forced to kill, the business men are over there making billion dollar deals, signing contracts, shaking hands. The "re-building", the "setting up structure and training", the blah blah blah. It's business as usual and fun, fun, fun. You know how war improves the economy. So what if people are dying in droves. We all have to go some time. America is a company and it's run by business men.

They manipulate the Very Stupid, the right wingers like Ann Coulter and her minions, tricking them into thinking it has to do with God and Country. They teach them that Hate Really Is a Family Value and that we should hate anything that threatens the Superiority of our Corporation, The USA.

They try to distract The Regular Folk with Issues, the same old divide and conquer, the poor blacks hate the poor Hispanics, the $12,000 a year Bowling League Fellow believes he got passed over for promotion because the company was forced to hire a woman, etc. They have Drug Wars and "Gays are trying to steal your marriage" wars. Poor people hating poor people because it works for them and keeps everyone distracted and divided. They leave people dying in our streets, the mentally ill, the homeless and hungry, bleeding and thrashed, the walking wounded and then they tell us it's these people's own fault because they didn't try hard enough, they didn't cowboy up.

They scare us with different colored Terror Alerts and warn us that we better be careful. All people from all other countries are suspect and so are our neighbors. They tell us that if we are upright citizens and patriotic we should support the stealing of our liberties. After all, unless you're a terrorist why would you care if they listen to your phone calls.

They try to trick us into believing they are fighting this war to give Iraqis the kind of Freedoms Americans have while at the same time stealing those Freedoms from Americans. They tell us if we don't support everything they say and do, without question, we are Aiding the Terrorists and some of them even say we should be in jail for this or executed because we are treasonous.

...and still they have the fucking gall to tell us this war is about giving Iraq these Freedoms. That just sticks with me the most. This bizarre hypocrisy. How fucking dare they be talking about the Noble things they are fighting for. It's just a straight-up lie.

They put out fake crap pseudo-science calling into question the environmental concerns every credible scientist on the planet stands behind. It doesn't suit the corporations to not be able to use up the earth. In Coulter's own words:

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"---Hannity & Colmes, 6/20/01

I don't know if I could even think of a statement more pro-business than that, disguised as hateful Godspeak. Also, fairly sick and disgusting. You know, old hippie here and I don't believe in corporal punishment for kids, no spanking, no washing out mouths with soap, etc. ...but I swear, Ann Coulter needs her mouth washed out with soap.

We have to take back this country. It's sinking into something awful, something that does not support life.

Personally, I want to take care of every single being who needs taking care of and I want to not shoot anyone. I think there would be plenty of money but then again, I'm just an unsophisticated old hippie. A very very scared one.

Duck Fubya!
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NMMNG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 08:23 PM
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1. Pleased to give this the 1st vote
Excellent post!
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Rue Donating Member (210 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 08:27 PM
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2. For someone who hasn't slept in two days,
you make an awful lot of sense. Here's what I think is your second recommendation.
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Madspirit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 08:48 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Thanks
I get in a weird frame when I don't sleep. Sometimes I get happy but sometimes I get pissed off..<g>
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iamahaingttta Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 09:10 PM
Response to Original message
4. Yep...
...and the only thing we can do about is to stop being their customers.

Stop buying crap from them, stop paying taxes to them, stop paying interest on anything. Quit using credit cards, with which you borrow their money to buy stuff from them that you don't need, and then pay it back with interest. Quit burning fossil fuels, which are evolution's gift to us. Stop feeding the beast and maybe, eventually, it will die...
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Madspirit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 09:26 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. It's difficult
...because we are completely entwined with them. We are dependent on our oppressors.
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