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Michael "Weiner" Savage wants MediaMatters to stop STALKING him: Let me hate in peace!

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marmar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:11 PM
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Michael "Weiner" Savage wants MediaMatters to stop STALKING him: Let me hate in peace!
Not only is he an asshole, he's a paranoid asshole. - OP's comment

From MediaMatters:

Savage to Media Matters: Stop stalking me!
On March 5, Media Matters for America received the following email from radio host Michael Savage:

From: ****************
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 5:55 PM
To: *******
Cc: *****@****.com
Subject: Re: Savage continued attacks on Etheridge & Hollywood

If you ever harass me again I will have you prosecuted under California's anti-stalking legislation. This indicates malice and intent to harm on the part of media matters.

The email was sent in response to a Media Matters email forwarding an item posted earlier that day. Michael Savage's email address is available on Bacon' to anyone with an account.

On the March 5 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, which aired at 6 p.m. ET, five minutes after the email was sent, Savage lashed out at "hose scum-sucking vermin. Those left-wing rats" who he claimed "won't be happy until we're all on prayer rugs waiting to have our heads cut off." He continued: "You ought to be happy, you liberal SOBs, that I am only a talk-show host. You ought to thank God that I have no avariciousness in my soul. You ought to thank God that I'm not power mad like you liberals, because if I ever ran for office, I can guarantee you, you wouldn't be in business too long. I can guarantee you you'd be arrested for sedition within six months of my taking power. I'd have you people licking lead paint, what you did to this country."


From the March 5 edition of Talk Radio Network's The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: Those scum-sucking vermin. Those left-wing rats, they won't be happy until we're all on prayer rugs waiting to have our heads cut off.

You ought to be happy, you liberal SOBs, that I am only a talk-show host. You ought to thank God that I have no avariciousness in my soul. You ought to thank God that I'm not power mad like you liberals, because if I ever ran for office, I can guarantee you, you wouldn't be in business too long. I can guarantee you you'd be arrested for sedition within six months of my taking power. I'd have you people licking lead paint, what you did to this country.


Apparently it's OK to call for the death of the vice president, but it's not OK to say that you find lesbian marriage disgusting and nauseating and it makes you want to puke. This shows you why liberalism is a mental disorder.

Apparently a death threat is not as bad as homo -- let's say homo -- it's not even homophobia. What it is, from my point of view, is not homophobia at all. I don't fear lesbians who are married raising children. I have contempt for them. I think it is child abuse.

The complete piece is at:

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MannyGoldstein Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:15 PM
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1. Ah, The Savage Weiner
Like Cheney, the man should be in an institution.

Unbelievable what goes on in our country.
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muntrv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:16 PM
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2. Media Matters, keep roasting this weiner.
:evilgrin: :evilgrin:
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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:17 PM
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3. STOP STOCKING HIM!!!!!!1111111
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Clark2008 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:29 PM
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4. Bahahahahahahaha!
I'd like to see a judge hear that case - IF the Savage Weiner could even get charges filed.

Note to Michael: It's not stalking (or stocking in your followers' vernacular) to have someone report on the very public comments you utter on your daily broadcast, you shit-for-brains talk show host.
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Erika Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:29 PM
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5. He's an entertainer hoping for $
He brought up again how Obama had been schooled by strict Muslims. This is an outright lie.

Yet, he contributed to Jerry Brown. He's just an entertainer using the shock jock treatment.
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Beelzebud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:30 PM
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6. Stop broadcasting a public show and you have a deal! :D
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bullwinkle428 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-06-07 10:38 PM
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7. In a perfect world, this pathetic little clown should spend
the rest of his life in a cage, on display at a zoo, in all of his ranting, raving, foam-at-the-mouth glory! Stalking, my ass!! HE should be facing the stalking charges, for stalking "democracy"!
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wicket Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-07-07 10:39 AM
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8. Wow, he's really off his rocker!
Then again, has he ever been on it?
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Richard Steele Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Mar-07-07 10:46 AM
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9. So it's CRIMINAL to pay attention to his PUBLIC BROADCASTS now? What an IDJIT!
This calls for the DELUXE, limited edition ROFLMAO:

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