Progressive Democrats of America's NATIONAL CALL-IN FOR PEACE 6, 2007
Today (Tuesday) was our day to lead in the unified phone campaign to get Congress
to finally stand against Bush’s unending war in Iraq.
PDAers should keep calling beyond Tuesday, and spread the word to others.
We've just learned of a possible amendment to Bush’s supplemental Appropriation request
for $93 billion more for Iraq. The amendment, written by our allies, would call for a
fully-funded withdrawal of U.S. troops within a set timetable. This would mean that a
vote for the appropriation would be a vote against the war.
This is an exciting development – a longshot, but worth fighting for.
So when we call our Congress members, ask them to support a “fully-funded withdrawal
with timetable” amendment to the Iraq supplemental. But if such an amendment is NOT adopted,
insist that our Representatives vote NO on the supplemental.Our special toll-free number into Congress is 1-888-851-1879.
Mobilize all PDA members and supporters to phone their Congressional offices.Don’t stop after calling your own Representative.
To ensure that a “fully-funded withdrawal” amendment comes to the floor for a vote,
contact one or two members of the Democratic leadership:
Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY), Chair, Rules Committee (which decides whether amendments
get to the floor); Speaker Nancy Pelosi; House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (MD);
Rep. Rahm Emanuel (IL); Rep. James Clybourn (SC).
Make your call(s) toll-free l-888-851-1879 -- or call 202-224-3121.
Each day until March 13, different national groups in our alliance
are coordinating phone calls to Congress.
Today, Tues., March 6 is PDA’s day.
March 7 -- CodePink/Global Exchange;
March 8 – GSFP;
March 9 - Peace Action;
March 12 – UFPJ;
March 13 - All groups together!
You can call too !!!!