The Theofascism of James Dobson
Written by Mel Seesholtz
Wednesday, 09 July 2008
by Mel Seesholtz, Ph.D.
James Dobson has a Ph.D. in child development. He advocates spanking. He was once known as “the Religious Right’s New Kingmaker.” The “king” he helped make was George W. Bush, who tops “the list when American voters pick the worst U.S. President in the last 61 years.” As a prominent character in the Bush-Rove nightmare, Dobson set himself up as a religiously-based political dictator bent on getting us to support his personal view of legislated morality.
And what’s even worse, Dobson goes to great length to use Scripture to support his view, and yet according to Time magazine he doesn’t even have any formal theological training. In short, Dobson, using his position as a radio psychologist, has set himself up as our moral authority and asks us all to blindly follow.
His Focus on the Family empire is considerable, although not as powerful as it once was. A mid-September 2007 article from The Denver reported that “Focus on the Family is laying off 30 employees and reassigning 15 others, due in part to a drop in projected revenue …”
Dobson and his organization have slowly but surely been losing power. Perhaps that’s why the Chairman needed to make more outrageous statements to garner public attention and mobilize the sheeple “to blindly follow” and contribute to his cause.
Dobson used his June 24, 2008 radio broadcast to make preposterous claims and attack Barack Obama. The attack was the lead story on
A top U.S. evangelical leader is accusing Sen. Barack Obama of deliberately distorting the Bible and taking a “fruitcake interpretation” of the U.S. Constitution.