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Judge to White House: Gitmo gets top priority

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Contrary1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-08-08 09:18 PM
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Judge to White House: Gitmo gets top priority
Aw damn, Junior...I feel your pain. :cry:

Justice Dept. tells federal judge it's trying to find a home for 54 prisoners

"WASHINGTON - A federal judge overseeing Guantanamo Bay lawsuits ordered the Justice Department to put other cases aside and make it clear throughout the Bush administration that, after nearly seven years of detention, the detainees must have their day in court.

"The time has come to move these forward," Judge Thomas F. Hogan said Tuesday during the first hearing over whether the detainees are being held lawfully. "Set aside every other case that's pending in the division and address this case first."

The Bush administration hoped it would never come to this. The Justice Department has fought for years to keep civilian judges from reviewing evidence against terrorism suspects. But a Supreme Court ruling last month opened the courthouse doors to the detainees.

About 200 lawyers, law clerks and reporters sat through the nearly three-hour court hearing. Other lawyers joined by phone for the historic hearing. Attorneys, nearly all of them working for free, have long asked for a judge to scrutinize the evidence, saying the detainees could not be held indefinitely, simply on the government's say-so..."

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World Citizen Donating Member (363 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-08-08 09:48 PM
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1. Hogan's Heros
How big is the target on this brave guys back.

But the size of the spotlight should take care of that.

Please tell me they wont, no they wouldn't dare,

Though they must be desperate and pulling their hair
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99th_Monkey Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-08-08 10:28 PM
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2. Checks & Balances are a bitch ... when you're a fascist war criminal ~nt~
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gratuitous Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jul-08-08 10:56 PM
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3. But, but, but . . .
He's still reading the reports from his Waco economic summit! (Does anybody remember that fiasco? Of course not, and neither do the Media Whores)
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