Bush Committed 30 Felonies, 4th Amendment to be Eviscerated Tomorrow According to Law Professor
by EmperorHadrian
Tue Jul 08, 2008 at 08:10:53 PM PDT
I was just watching Countdown with Keith Olbermann, and Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown law school, was on. They were talking about the fact that
tomorrow, the senate will pass the FISA "compromise". Turley said the obvious, that this isn't a "compromise", but rather a cave in. He said that illegal wiretapping is a felony under federal law. He pointed to a recent court decision a couple of days ago, which was made during one of the telecom lawsuits, in which a federal judge said outright "obviously the president committed an illegal act".
Turley elaborated, "that illegal act is defined as a felony, so what the (senate) democrats are doing is trying to conceal a crime". Turley went further, saying, "no one wants to have a confrontation over the fact that the president committed a felony, not once, but at least thirty times."..................
Turley continued on this, and the sad state that the legacy of our founding fathers is now in:
"the founders would have found this incomprehensible; it expands presidential power to the point of including what is now defined as a federal crime." Democrats, according to Turley, have learned from Bush, that "because the telecoms are losing in court, because the administration is losing in court, they (senate democrats) are simply going to change the rules."
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