Sign Mark Warner's petition here: email:
The rising cost of health care is one of the most urgent problems facing our country, but Congress is struggling to pass even the most modest legislation to deal with it.
Last week, I told you how the U.S. Senate jeopardized health care coverage for countless seniors, disabled citizens, and military families when it failed to pass bipartisan legislation preventing pay cuts to doctors who accept Medicare patients. And for the past week, newspapers have been filled with stories of doctors who feel compelled to turn away patients urgently needing care because of these cuts.
Despite having the support of the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans in Congress, a small group of Senators used a procedural technique to block this important bill by a margin of just one vote.
Well, this week they have a chance to set things right. But I need your help to put the pressure on them. Let's send a message that we're sick and tired of political games getting in the way of real solutions. We only need to swing one vote in order to move this bill through Congress. So please, tell the Senate to stop these draconian cuts and pass the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act.
With your help, we can ensure that we fund Medicare services that so many of our seniors, disabled citizens, and military families need. The legislation includes off-setting cuts to the least competitive insurance plans that are driving up health care costs.
This isn't an issue of Republican vs. Democrat, right vs. left, or red vs. blue. More than 350 members of the House of Representatives came together across party lines in support of this pragmatic, common-sense effort to provide needed health care. Now I ask you, the people of Virginia, to do the same.
Please sign the petition. Then ask your friends and family to do the same.
Thank You,
Mark Warner
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Thanks :hi: