I hope you can join us on "Head-On With Bob Kincaid" this evening at 6 p.m., Eastern Time. www.headonradionetwork.com We'll be joined by Max Blumenthal, whose illuminating video "Rapture Ready: The Christians United For Israel Tour" was among the material censored from YouTube at the behest of "Pastor" John Hagee. Max's video contained absolutely no material for which "Pastor" Hagee could claim copyright, yet what Pastor Hagee wants, Pastor Hagee gets, at least where The YouTube is concerned.
Wednesday nights are "Prayer Meetin'" night on The H.O.R.N., so there couldn't be a more fitting topic.
As is always the case with "Conversation Radio," your thoughts and comments are welcome and form the very heart, soul and core of the show.
Get On The H.O.R.N., America's Liberal Voice!
www.headonradionetwork.com (Live Stream)
www.whiterosesociety.org/Kincaid.html (Archives/Podcasts)