When you first hear the idea "let's allow offshore drilling and it will cut gas prices," it sounds like it makes sense, especially when gas is more than $4 a gallon. But the facts say otherwise. <snip>
Unfortunately, President Bush and Sen. John McCain are trying to sell us on the oil companies' old argument that repealing the 27-year old moratorium on drilling in protected areas offshore will lower gas prices.
Americans need to put this tired debate to rest. Our security -- both here at home and abroad -- depends on it. <snip>
Assuming oil companies drilled in new areas, it would take at least a decade for new production to begin.
Just last week, the U.S. Energy Information Administration concluded new drilling would have no impact on oil prices before 2030 <snip?
During the (last seven years) permits for new oil drilling leases increased by 361 percent.
Put simply, allowing more drilling does not equal cheaper gas <snip>
We need solutions of the future, not drilling ourselves deeper into dependence on oil.