Hamsher spoke w/juror Dennis Collins, before he was deluged by the media. It appears Libby was one juror away from a full 5-count Guilty verdict:
He eventually got dragged before the cameras and said that there was a lot of compassion on the jury for Libby, that they felt he was the"fallguy," and they wanted to know where Karl Rove was in all of this. He was loathe to answer questions about Dick Cheney beyond the fact that Libby was obviously doing whatever he did at Cheney's behest, and the Cheney notes on the Wilson July 6 article seemed especially damning. He wouldn't say whether testimony by Cheney would have helped Libby or not, and seemed unwilling to discuss anything that they were not tasked with deliberating.
He did say that Hannah's testimony totally screwed Libby, and I got a chuckle out of that. At the same time Hannah was talking about how bad Libby's memory was, he also claimed that Libby had an incredible grasp of detail, and the jury believed he just would not have forgotten so much in the way that the defense was trying to claim. They found Russert to be a credible witness but thought there was enough reasonable doubt in the Cooper false statement charge (he said/he said) for "someone" to assume reasonable doubt. It appears there was only one holdout on Count Three that kept Libby from a 5 count grand slam.
It was quite inspirational to get a chance to talk to him, and to hear how seriously the jury had deliberated. You never know what's going to happen with a jury until they come back and all I can say is -- it was worth every bit of effort we put into being here. There haven't been a lot of days in the past 7 years when you could say that justice triumphed, but the system worked and it felt damn good to be there when it did.
The question is -- who is going to press George W. Bush for a commitment that he will not derail justice and undo all the jury's hard work by pardoning Scooter Libby?