,0,3403756.story?coll=sfla-news-sflaBy David Fleshler
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Posted March 6 2007
Thousands of Florida residents complained of nuisance alligators last year, and that's one reason the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is considering eliminating some of the rules that have protected the species for a generation.
The commission's biologists have considered ending the alligator's status as a species of special concern and reclassifying it as a game animal, like deer, hogs and turkeys. They have proposed allowing landowners to kill as many as they want, as well as vastly expanding the tightly controlled hunting program. The commission has begun a series of public hearings, with two scheduled March 14 and 15 in West Palm Beach.
"The animal is thriving in the state," said Harry Dutton, alligator management coordinator for the wildlife commission. "Does it warrant its current protected status or not? We have so many restrictions on how you should harvest the animal. Should we have an open season?"
Any changes are certain to be controversial, involving public safety, people's livelihoods and a creature that's a symbol of wild Florida. Outfitters who make a living guiding novice alligator hunters worry that looser controls would dry up their business and lead to some would-be hunters getting hurt. Environmentalists are concerned the state isn't giving sufficient consideration to the importance of alligators to wetlands and other wildlife. And suburban residents don't want to see gator eyes staring at them from backyard lakes, but many also recoil at the current state practice of allowing these animals to be killed by professional trappers.
Comments here: Poll - middle of the page: live in Florida and spitting with rage at this idea.
-Cindy in Fort Lauderdale