Bill Increases Physician Reimbursement and Fixes Competitive Bidding Process
U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) is hailing congressional passage of the Medicare reform package today for the positive provisions it includes for Wisconsin. The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, introduced by Representatives Charlie Rangel (D-NY) and John Dingell (D-MI), blocks pending cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates, delays a harmful competitive bidding process for durable medical equipment, ensures better pay for rural doctors, lowers co-payments for seniors’ mental health services, and improves access to telehealth services important for rural Wisconsinites. Earlier this month Feingold joined a bipartisan effort to delay the implementation of Medicare’s competitive bidding process to help ensure all Wisconsin seniors receive medical equipment and supplies they need. The bill, which is fully offset, now heads to the President.
“I am pleased Congress has made much-needed reforms to our Medicare system, which for too long has given Wisconsin the short end of the stick,” Feingold said. “This reform package helps bring more Medicare dollars to Wisconsin. It blocks a cut to Medicare providers’ reimbursement rates and creates a more fair reimbursement system for rural doctors, which will help attract physicians to more areas of Wisconsin. Seniors also receive more access to mental health care, durable medical equipment, and preventative care. And people living in rural parts of Wisconsin will benefit from the bill’s telehealth provisions, which will allow them to receive care at local hospitals without having to travel to larger hospitals or cities. We still have much to do to improve Wisconsin’s treatment under the Medicare system, but this bill moves us in the right direction.”
The Medicare Reform package includes the following provisions that benefit Wisconsin:
Blocking the Pending Cuts to Physician Reimbursements
The scheduled cuts to physician reimbursement rates on July 1st would be devastating for Wisconsin. Doctors and seniors alike have shared their concerns that the scheduled cut will force doctors to stop seeing Medicare patients, and cause a real crisis in access to Medicare providers. This bill blocks the scheduled 10.6% cut in reimbursement rates for 18 months, in addition to providing a 1.1% update to reimbursements in 2009. Senator Feingold will continue to strongly support efforts to revamp the policies which call for yearly adjustments to Medicare's payments for physician services, so that the ability to provide care, and the ability to access care, are not in constant question.
Delays Competitive Bidding for Medical Equipment
Senator Feingold has heard from many seniors and small business owners who are concerned that Medicare’s competitive bidding process for durable medical equipment will limit access to medical equipment, limit choice of equipment suppliers, and threaten small businesses. This bill will delay the implementation of the bidding process for medical equipment supplies while improvements to the bidding process are made.
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