"As a former Justice Department attorney who was forced from my job for political, not performance, reasons, I'm the first to admit that I have a bee in my bonnet about the political purging and professional ruination of dedicated and talented public servants. Yesterday six of the ousted U.S. Attorneys testified before Congress. They were all in agreement that they felt pressured and threatened by the Justice Department and/or the White House and experienced politically-driven retaliation for exercising their independent prosecutorial discretion. The timing could not be more ironic with the conviction of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby for doing the same to a different public employee.
Jesselyn Radack's diary :: ::
Six of the fired U.S. Attorneys (Daivd Iglesias, John McKay, Bud Cummins, Carol Lam, Daniel Bogden and Paul Charlton) testified before Congress yesterday that they had received complains, harassing phone calls, and threats from Members of Congress and/or top Justice Department officials. I preface the rest of this piece by saying that they all had declined to testify voluntarily amd had to be subpoenaed by the House Judiciary subcommittee and threatened with the same from the Senate."