apparently the staunch fiscal conservative :sarcasm: promised the legislators they could have a pay raise, if only they'd support his pet school voucher bill. :puke: Then after the media turned up the heat -- largely from the
right! -- he weaseled out and vetoed the pay raise. in the session — very early in the session — several key lawmakers met face-to-face with Jindal to discuss the pay raise idea. They wanted to know up front if he was going to oppose it publicly or veto it, because if either scenario occurred they didn't want to waste time and political capital voting for a highly controversial measure, one they knew would draw voters' ire, only to have him shoot it down. They reasoned correctly that they wanted Jindal to "hang" with them on this one, or else no one should hang at all.
In that meeting, which occurred in very late March or very early April, Jindal promised he would not oppose the raise — but in return, he secured a promise that lawmakers would pass his voucher ("scholarship") bill....
Later, when the bill became hotter than anyone anticipated, Jindal apparently dispatched his chief of staff, Timmy Teepell, with a message that the governor would veto the raise because it was too big (at least, that was the official excuse). At that point, House Speaker Jim Tucker countered with a threat against Jindal's "reform" agenda — the voucher bill. Obviously, a whole lot of folks don't consider vouchers a "reform," and it's interesting that Jindal never fully identified which bills were being held "hostage" as a result of Tucker's threat....
Here’s the kicker: Badon's voucher bill cleared its last legislative hurdle on June 18, a day after Jindal announced he would not veto the pay raise.Some DU discussion, from before I knew about the deal: He is of Indian rather than Pakistani descent, and his given name is Piyush. We're always supposed to call him "Bobby", though, or else a small-town newspaper publisher in north La. will call us a bunch of mean old racists. No, really.
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