Imagine: if you could put yourself on ice for 20 years--sleep through the Crash and burn, the riots, the plagues and the ever-growing Deaths, the 2nd Revolutionary War and the revival of the guillotine, and come out on the other side of the Bush Depression relatively unscathed.
Then imagine if this option were available to the lower 90% of the population...or just the Democrats.
After the GOP had cannibalized itself, and the corporations had gone belly up for lack of workers and customers, wouldn't it be great to come back?
Bet you the oceans would be teaming with fish again, and the air free of greenhouse gases and pollutants.
The soil would probably be in rough shape, though. But the climate may have stabilized by then.
There are worse fates, like having to live through every single minuet of the consequences of letting a pschopathic bully lead the country for 8 years without check or balance or impeachment.