Our party sold us out again. So what do we do?
First off, this year we really have no choice. We need to work to elect Obama and as many Democrats as possible. Electing Republicans is not the answer, because they will betray us even worse, and we don't have time to organize a real alternative now that primaries are over.
We have to hold our noses and stick with the Democrats we have...for now.
Once the election is over, we really only have two options. We can
It's tempting. The Democrats in elected office that agree with us would be welcome to join, while the Democrats In Name Only would be left behind. Essentially, this is what happened with the Whigs when the Republicans broke off in 1854. We could also pull the socially progressive Republicans in.
Folks, every town and every county or parish in the nation has a Democratic Committee, and most of them are up for re-election next year. Call your county/parish clerk, find out the requirements for running for Democratic committee in your locality, and DO IT. If we can take over enough county committees, we'll be changing the makeup of the state committees, and eventually the whole damn DNC. Best of all, we can change the party for the better using its own existing infrastructure.
There you have it. I'm all for pulling off number two, and with enough of us organized we can do it. Apathy is no longer a choice. Today's Democratic Party has sold us out, and if we do nothing we'll just deserve more of the same. Once the election is done, each of us has three choices. You can organize something new. You can run for committee and help to reclaim our current party. Or you can shut the fuck up. Please pick one of those three options now. I know what I'm doing; anyone who wants help in running for committee, please PM me.
Thank you.
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