Most here should already be familiar with this a-hole. Start with the short-cut: A minority member who is a wingnut. Go on from there, another one of those Affirmative Action alums whose "Liberal" professors turn them into wingnut tools---"Don't be PREDICTABLE. It's a CLICHE for a minority to be a Lib, so GO THE OTHER WAY, or at least, be a 'cafeteria' type, picking and choosing from whatever party!1" So NAVARRETTE dropped out of his Harvard AA slot, slunk back to his hometown where he was skunked by the homeboys, then somehow went back to Harvard and squeaked through, then cashed in by writing a poor-mouthing thingy about how CRUEL "White Liberal males" were to him, then parlaying that into being a wingnut tool. And of course our CRACK media eats up a "non-traditional minority viewpoint" so they syndicate him and all.
So his track record as a columnist is to perpetually GIVE ADVICE TO DEMS, like Dems should listen to a WINGNUT TOOL!1 Back in the '90s, when Shrub had his pact going with Texas Southern Conservative Dems (call them A-holes), and the Texas Dem party was dead, so dead that many elections went uncontested, NAVARRETTE was lecturing Dems that they OWED it to one Victor MORALES (a high school teacher in a weekend battered pick-up truck) to give him another nomination, just when the Dems were beginning to have a chance again with African American Ron KIRK, because Victor had been carrying the Dem standard in the wilderness years. When KIRK won the nomination, Victor refused to endorse him, and in fact, went on to endorse the Rethug candidate. What else, when Gonzo GONZALES was nominated for Torture-Mouthpiece by Shrub, NAVARRETTE proclaimed that he should be confirmed without Senate committee advice JUST BECAUSE he is a Hispanic (in name only), and that, besides, NAVARRETTE would be watching him like O.J. was searching for the real killer, and would CONDEMN him mightily if he screwed up. HaHAH, not a peep from NAVARRETTE ever since.
But his bottom line is always that the Dems, specifically White Liberal males, have done nothing for minorities except to keep them enslaved, and that Shrub appointed all those 3 or 4 minorities to HIGH posts, much more than CLINTON ever did. He neglects to mention that Dem PROGRAMS extend benefits to MILLIONS instead of jobs to THREE OR FOUR.
from "Blinded by the Right," Copyright 2002 by David BROCK, (publisher) Three Rivers Press, New York (paperback)
p. 253: .... well, that iconic leopard miniskirt, we often joked, launched Laura Ingraham's career. .... ...I often teased Laura, a bit of a tomboy who never bothered fixing her limp hair or wearing akeup, that she didn't know how to put herself together as a woman.
p. 254: .... ...her one desire in life was to leave her law firm and get herself on television as a political pundit, despite the fact that she was the only person I knew who
didn't appear to own a book or regularly read a newspaper.p. 254: .... ...she frequently attacked feminism for making women unhappy and resentful, while betraying those same qualities in her commentary. ....
'Some of us,' Ingraham once remarked,
'are proud to be meanies.'P. 255: .... ...she was also a wicked gossip, befriending the likes of Rush Limbaugh and George Will, then repeating their often creepy confidences to me.
p. 255: .... In candid moments,
she confided she didn't believe much of what she was saying on the airwaves. ...the pain of a difficult childhood, and her tortured relations with men... .... I hadn't known of Laura's antigay past at Dartmouth, where,
along with her then-boyfriend Dinesh D-Souza, she had participated in the infamous outing of gay students, who were branded 'sodomites,' until I cringed as I read about her Dartmouth Review exploits in a 1997 profile in Vanity Fair.
p. 256: .... On more than one occasion, I had taken her barhopping along the gay strip in Washington where she seemed to have a blast. .... ...
Laura, in a drunken stupor, crawled through the packed two-story dance club on her hands and knees looking for me. ...she had managed to leave me a series of violent messages,
threatening to 'break every window in (my) house'... .... ...Laura had asked... Debbie Stone, to speak on her behalf to Vanity Fair... .... ...why she backed out, she said she wasn't about to cover up for Laura: 'What am I supposed to do? Talk about
how she pulled a gun on a boyfriend after he broke up with her?'p. 256: After reading the article, I was chagrined and felt used but never confronted Laura about it, though Congressman Barney Frank... did. .... ...proceeded to denounce Laura's history of gay bashing. I remained mute during the harangue, because I agreed with everything Frank was saying. He then turned to me and snapped, 'And if you want to front her, that's fine.' I was speechless, red-faced and humiliated. Of course, Frank was right, but I didn't have the courage or self-regard to do anything about it. Blithely, I continued to revel in the gossip-page glitz and heartless sarcasm of my right-wing fag hags--the Ariannas, the Lauras, and the Ann Coulters. At this point in life, this transparently empty right-wing circle was all I had.
Chris Matthews
From Demopedia
Etymology of "Tweety". During Campaign 2000 the media noise machine was swooning over the nicknames Shrub was giving some of them. Media Whores Online ran a contest to nickname Chris MATTHEWS. In the first 3 or so weeks, there was no clear, catchy front runner, with "The Screamer" sort of leading. Then one of MATTHEWS's own Hardball staff leaked to MWO that they themselves called him "Tweety" because of the Clairol shade he favored. This was immediately declared the winner. But in some quarters, it wasn't entirely satisfactory. For one thing, by the time the name was declared, the shade had changed to platinum, leading to a suggestion he be called "Carole LOMBARD".
Plus, "Tweety" sounded too affectionate.
Then M-TV held its 20th or 25th or whatever anniversary, and all the cable echo chambers were doing segments of Britney shedding her duds down to almost nothing. Not to be left behind, Tweety followed suit, with a guest "culture" commentator from Time Mag, the young humor columnist, Joel STEIN. The staff kept re-running the Britney clip, and Tweety was clearly DROOLING disgustingly. STEIN said, "You're beginning to creep me out." Tweety responded, "Yeah, well, wait till YOU're 50." This led to the suggestion that "Tweety" be modified to "Tweezer" to retain the hair reference while canceling out the affection factor and also adding the (dirty old) "geezer" angle.
Darrell HAMMOND "Doing" Tweety on SNL. Tweety's ego was massively stroked after the debut of HAMMOND's impersonation of him, either in 2001 or 2002. He said, "I am now an ICON: I have been 'done' on Saturday Night Live'." The funniest line in the debut was HAMMOND as Tweety, cracking himself up with, "For the...FIFTY...people who watch this show (Hardball, not SNL)..." In the first few times HAMMOND featured him, the target was Tweety himself--manically interrupting, spitting, and drooling. However, the characterization evolved, not true to the original, where Tweety became the "rational" character surrounded by oddball, extremist "guests", with HAMMOND-Tweety shaking his head in disbelief at their partisan spin.
"Turning" from Being a Democrat. He (like G.E.RUSSERT and Pat CADDELL) still trades on having been a Democrat in the CARTER/O'NEILL era. In the hothouse of big time political flunkydom, STATUS and POWER come from the SUCCESS of your boss. RAYGUN kicked Tweety's bosses' rears, and Tweety gravitated to admiring that "success". When he started up his media career he was mentored by G.E. RUSSERT, who had himself already started "turning" by "reaching out" to LIMBOsevic and expending his formerly-Lib-bleeding-heart on those poor wingnuts who had been maligned and marginalized, lo those many years. Tweety started doing video valentines to RAYGUN, walking arm in arm with Nancy. He might have tapped into the frenzy of the FAKE impeachment, but "hatred of the CLINTONs" isn't what made him turn. The last time he was identifiably a Democrat was sometime after 1988 when Hardball (the book) was published.
How Tweety "Executed" DONAHUE on MSNBC. Tweety was on his book tour for another one of his "books" (large type, wide spaces between lines, blank half-pages). It was in the jingoistic hysteria in the run-up to the illegal Iraq attack. The book was about supposed "Americanism" --an American Civ 101 ripoff about books and movies and cultural stuff that are essentially American (think, "The Great Gatsby"). So Phil welcomed him as a colleague and peer on Phil's show for the full hour to plug the book. From the moment he appeared, there was a strange, deadly snake look in Tweety's snake eyes. Phil was walking around, apparently not sensing anything, while Tweety was motionless, following him only with his eyes. Phil brought up something or other questioning blind jingoism, and Tweety STRUCK! He started out with venom dripping, "You see THIS is EXACTLY what's wrong with you Liberals: You are NEGATIVE about this country, you find NOTHING good about it," and on and on. It took awhile before Phil figured out what was happening. Later, Phil was sitting at the table with Tweety and, weaker and weaker, did some of his trademark shoulder shrugging and arm waving. Tweety delivered the coup de grace, "What's THIS (mimicking the movements)??!! What's with the --APE-- movements???" Days or a week or two later, Phil's cancellation was announced and took effect.
How Tweety "Triggered" a Gun Incident (re: Kathleen WILLEY). At the height of the FAKE impeachment, Ms WILLEY claimed that a mystery jogger had threatened her or her cat or somebody. Several months later, there was gossip that the jogger had been identified. Tweety hosted her and it appeared they had discussed the identity off camera. He tried mightily to get her to say the name on the air, which she wouldn't do. Finally, he himself blurted it out, "Was it Name/Surname?" She would not confirm it. Within days there was a bizarre incident, with the mentally disabled brother of Pat and Bay BUCHANAN going with a gun to the house of the supposed jogger, where there were only some foreign exchange students present. Later it was determined that the person Tweety named on the air had NOTHING to do with the supposed jogger incident.
"Heroes" Tweety and Tom DeLAY. In the aftermath of the 07-24-98 shooting of two Capitol police officers when the slain officers were duly eulogized and called heroes, Tweety latched on to this, the way we have seen him attempt to glorify himself in other instances: Like saying he was assigned in the Peace Corps and "WALKED THE SAME GROUND" THAT CHURCHILL passed through. Or when he said, "I am an ICON! I have been 'done' by SNL!". So now that the Capitol policemen were being called heroes, Tweety came forward to say that HE had been a Capitol policemen, TOO, JUST LIKE THEM, when he was starting out. It turns out that he had worked a (temporary?) job for three months as that. In all the years before the officers were shot and eulogized, he probably NEVER referred to that job, most likely thinking of it as a rent-a-cop turn, until he could see in retrospect the glory that he had been DESTINED to from the beginning.
But he is not the only glory hog. When that incident was happening, the news of the moment reported that Tom DELAY had hopped a plane out of town and immediately turned around in Houston when the incident was over. This show of courage is why he has been dubbed, "Tom-DePLANE!-DePLANE!-DELAY".
But searches of countless news reports of that time show no mention of the hopping-the-plane. Only this is left: "...House members, many rushing out of town, did not have to remain behind. DeLay slipped out the main door of the Capitol less than 15 minutes after the shooting. He looked stricken. Asked if he'd seen anything, he said, "Did I ever. I don't want to talk about it." Aides rushed him into his waiting car. ...."
Rita Cosby
From Demopedia
A couple of years ago, when somebody ranted against her, a DUer said, "Leave Rita alone. I knew her when she was a local reporter and she is SWEET." With that in mind, a monitoring of her on Faux for a year or two yielded this take:
She is a hustler (in the hard-working sense). She gets out there and beats the bushes (if not the Shrubs). She literally pounded the landfill of that Utah wife and the shore of the PETERSON wash-up.
Her territory is the same as Whorealdo's, but with a touch more delicacy. Her thing is to "get" Bad Boys. She pen pal-ed with McVEIGH and BERKOWITZ. She telephone-interviewed MILOSEVIC. She beats out others on the same stories because she gets on the inside of whatever the hottest tabloid story of the day is: She has a long list of the actual Bad Boys notched on her interview belt. But if she can't "get" the main interviewee (CONDIT or PETERSON), she will get a family member, a neighbor, or the neighbor's dog.
Her method? She sweet-talks the culprits on their "good" side and their nearest and dearest to boot. Unlike Whorealdo who screams at Charles MANSON, she approaches her targets as flawed humans who have at least a tiny particle of goodness, perhaps even with some true or calculated spirituality. If anybody saw Whorealdo "interview" MANSON years ago, you saw him scream epithets and profanities at him. Yes, the names-called and Whorealdo's reactions are TRUE, but it's not a technique that will yield insight into how the target's mind works or even document actual events of the story.
When Whorealdo defecated, uh, defected, to Faux, he made the obligatory tour of all the Faux circuses, swearing allegiance to his new Wingnut gods. O'LOOFAH said to him, "What to you bring to Faux that we don't already have?" It was true. His show followed Rita's and both of them were usually on the same stories, but Rita was scooping him on all the "gets".
After his first couple of years, when he was feeling secure enough at Faux, he started showing pique. Once both he and COSBY were promo-ing their own circuses on an earlier Faux circus, sitting side by side in a Two shot. It was clear that COSBY had the better "gets" on the same story and Whorealdo was FURIOUS. He was STEAMING and wouldn't even look at her. She finally reached over and put her hand on his knee, much as Aunt Bee might do, which probably made him MORE furious.
The degree of her Wingnuttiness is up in the air. Her stuff tends to be more of the tabloid human interest variety more than ideology, but time will tell as she starts on MSRNC. --UTUSN 12:49, 31 Jul 2005 (EDT)
Retrieved from ""
From GREAT Dem, Mike PETERS (Mother Goose & Grimm):
Tweezer, the Scorpion & the Frog: A scorpion came up to a frog who was at the edge of a river and asked that the frog give him a ride across. The frog said, "No, you will sting me and kill me." The scorpion swore up and down it wouldn't and begged repeatedly for the ride.
After much back and forth, the frog finally gave in. The scorpion crawled aboard the frog's back and they set off into the river.
Halfway across, the scorpion STUNG the frog, which screamed out in pain, "Why did you DO that?-------Now we will BOTH die!!!!"
The scorpion replied, "It's my nature."
Tweety executes Phil:
Just to keep harping on Tweety's evil. This is for those who like Tweety for his pre-RAYGUN Dem operative role, for those who think he was anti-war about Iraq, who think he was anti-war because of his draft-age sons, who think when-he's-on-OUR-side-there's-nobody-better...
Tweety was on his book tour for another one of his "books" (large type, wide spaces between lines, blank half-pages). It was in the jingoistic hysteria in the run-up to the illegal Iraq attack. Whatever he wrote in his "Liberal" columns, he was totally on board for the "Americanism" of the attack.
So Phil welcomed him as a colleague and peer on Phil's show for the full hour to plug the book. Btw, Tweety is not a peer to the towering Phil (let it not be said I never said something good about a NADIR supporter).
I saw this as it happened, as later when Tweety ambushed and slashed at Dennis KUCINICH and Al SHARPTON. From the moment he appeared, there was a strange, deadly snake look in Tweety's snake eyes. Phil was walking around, apparently not sensing anything, while Tweety was motionless, following him only with his eyes. Phil was cordial, though by now he must have been aware that Tweety was no longer a Liberal.
The book was about supposed "Americanism" --an American Civ 101 ripoff about books and movies and cultural stuff that are essentially American (think, "The Great Gatsby"). Phil brought up something or other questioning of blind jingoism, and Tweety STRUCK!
He started out with venom dripping, "You see THIS is EXACTLY what's wrong with you Liberals: You are NEGATIVE about this country, you find NOTHING good about it," and on and on, just this side of doing the Dan COULTER/"Traitor" thing. It took awhile before Phil figured out what was happening. Later, Phil was sitting at the table with Tweety and, weaker and weaker, kept trying to bring up stuff for improvement, and in the process did some of his shoulder shrugging and arm waving.
Tweety lashed out again, "What's THIS (mimicking the movements), what's with the MONKEY movements???" That's our Tweety. Shortly after that, just a few days later, Phil's cancellation was announced and took effect.
Rant on Tweezer:
It's a little late for him to be getting any kind of "exclusive" on story, since he has yet to do a story even on Enron. And his show is at the bottom of CABLE ratings. The only funny line in the entire SNL season a couple of years ago was Darrell HAMMOND as Tweezer, cracking himself up with, "For the...FIFTY...people who watch this show (Hardball, not SNL)..." And probably most of the people who DO watch his show are us Dems. The wingnuts don't trust him, although they LOVE using him as a TOOL. He is a political flunky in the hothouse atmosphere of D.C., where the staffers gain their own status from the status of the boss they work for, up or down, winner or loser. He admires "SUCCESS" above all. He started "turning" when RAYGUN beat the pants off CARTER and O'NEILL. The last time he was identifiably one of us was when his book Hardball was published, which was BACK IN 1988. He has been trashing all things Dem since the FAKE impeachment and thoroughly during Campaign 2000. He voted against GORE. He is LOST to us in ALL ways. He has never done a show on Enron. He is scum.
Whew, that felt good. I'm adding it to my saved drafts of similar rants on the same topic.=====================================
During Campaign 2000 the media whores were swooning over the nicknames Shrub was giving some of them. Media Whores Online ran a contest to nickname Chris-the-Whore. In the first 3 or so weeks, there was no clear, catchy front runner, with "The Screamer" sort of leading. Then one of The Whore's own Hardball staff LEAKED to MWO that his own staff called him Tweety because of the Clairol shade he favored. This was immediately declared the winner. But in some quarters, it wasn't entirely satisfactory. For one thing, by the time it was declared, the shade had changed to platinum, leading to a suggestion he be called Carole LOMBARD. Plus, "Tweety" sounds too affectionate towards this JERK WHORE. Then M-TV held it's 20th or 25th or whatever anniversary, and all the cable whores were doing segments of Brittany shedding her duds down to almost nothing. Not to be left behind in any whore game, Tweety followed suit, with a guest from Time Mag, the young humor columnist, whassisname Joel STEIN. The staff kept re-running the Britany clip, and Tweety was clearly DROOLING disgustingly. The Time dude said, "You're beginning to creep me out." Tweety responded, "Yeah, well, wait till YOU're 50." This led to the suggestion that "Tweety" be modified to "Tweezer" to retain the hair reference while canceling out the affection factor and also adding the (dirty old) "geezer" angle.
Just to round out the Tweety portrait: 1- He is our enemy. 2- The last time he was identifiably a Democrat was circa 1988 when his book, Hardball, was first published. 3- He's a political flunky who worships SUCCESS, and started "turning" through admiration for RAYGUN's kicking his Dem bosses' rears. 4- He was ABSOLUTELY VICIOUS to President GORE all through Campaign 2000. 5- He triggered a gun incident by naming, ERRONEOUSLY, Kathleen WILLEY's supposed "jogger" (Pat BUCHANAN's mentally ill brother took the gun to the house). 6- He is a de facto wingnut operative. 7- He voted for Shrub. 8- He was utterly vicious to KUCINICH, Phil DONAHUE, and SHARPTON on the air, personally vicious to them.
------------Tweezer Flunky Status---------
He was a political flunky/operative under CARTER and O'NEILL. In the hothouse of big time political flunkydom, STATUS and POWER come from the SUCCESS of your boss. RAYGUN kicked Tweezer's bosses' asses, and Tweezer gravitated to admiring that "success". When he started up his media career he was mentored by G.E. RUSSERT, who had himself already started "turning" whore by "reaching out" to LIMBOsevic and expending his formerly-Lib-bleeding-heart on those poor wingnuts who had been maligned and marginalized, lo those many years. Tweezer started doing video valentines, walking arm in arm with Nancy. He might have tapped into the frenzy of the FAKE impeachment, but "hatred of the CLINTONs" isn't what made him turn. When he's around Senator CLINTON, he is gushing as much as with Nancy. And he tried to be the Press Secretary for CLINTON and got turned down. Can you imagine what a disaster he would have been as Press Secretary?-----making policy on his own, soon resigning over being disciplined. Anyway, he was LOST to us Dems LONG AGO, back around 1988.
------------Tweezer Slams KUCINICH------
Re: "Tweety's basically anti-war"-----more like covering his own weaselhood, toying with his FAKE Dem image by PLAYING "anti-war" then reversing himself to his MACHO-worship when the early Iraq-Attack looked so good in combat fatigues. Here's from last night about Tweety savaging KUCINICH:
In another thread somebody is giving him a pass on being a wingnut whore because he "was anti-war". Tweety did some so-called "anti-war" thing, then reversed himself, bedazzled by the MACHO antics of the early Iraq attack.
In another post, somebody said he should be fired for the DK incident. Hah! He wasn't fired when he badgered Kathleen WILLEY about naming a name of the so-called "jogger", she wouldn't; he DID and it was WRONG and set-off Pat BUCHANAN's mentally disabled brother into a GUN INCIDENT at that WRONG person's house.
He DAILY has acted as a Repuke operative for at least the past five years. We go through the "Tweety Wars" every time Tweety deigns to throw us a CRUMB. He boasts about his, um, VERSATILITY (cough), how he can "play Right and play Left" and predictably infuriate each side at will, which he considers a sign of his superior intelligence.
In these Tweety Wars, his core groupies from WAY back to when he appeared to be one of us (Hardball, the book, 1988) invariably find the latest crumb to be Tweety "SEEING THE LIGHT," "COMING (back) TO HIS SENSES," "RETURNING TO HIS TRUE SELF."
His previous most vicious attack was what he did to DONAHUE. Tonight in his stunning attack on KUCINICH (I'm a KERRY supporter albeit a DEM above all), he was his ONLY true self, the street THUG he always was, whichever side he was momentarility on.
-----------Tweety on IMUS 7-16---
Tweety did his own McCARTHYite thing, naming names like the best of the Hollywood Red-stoolies---------I submit, as a cover both for his man Shrub, but ALSO to cover his OWN weaseldom.
His thesis for a couple of weeks now is that "hard line hawks from the VP's office" are the true movers. Today he started out naming David HADLEY and Scooter LIBBY, but throughout coming back to CHEENEE.
He said that former WH speechwriters, him, Pat BUCHANAN, and Peg NOONER, all agree that the speechwriting process starts with an "A" draft written by the writers being circulated to NSC's staff, VP's staff, State, Defense, and "maybe" CIA. ("The A-1 draft" is what goes to the Prez.)
"Who put 'it' into the 'B' draft AFTER IT HAD GONE AROUND THE LOOP. This person would have to be pretty BIG, big enough to scare TENET and POWELL. The pRez.
"The staff always think they're smarter than the principals. THEY (not Tweety) think (Shrub) is a Ted BAXTER, reading what's in front of him.
"What (Shrub) needs to do is to call a meeting with HADLEY, LIBBY, with CHEENEE in the room, and say 'I want to know who the hell put it in there,' then fire him. He needs to (address the public) and talk like we're talking here. But he acts like hes' part of the cover-up. I can't imagine this pRez having the guts to face CHEENEE.
"The only reason we know about this cover-up is because Joe WILSON wrote the op-ed. The very next day the WH puts out the statement that 'A high Administration official (retracts)'-------WHO had the power to retract.
"(Covering for Tweety himself: ) We went to war because we believed the COUNTRY was in danger of being attacked. It's not something (inconsequential). Forget about (all the other issues)"---we thought we were being attacked, nice cover-Tweets.
By the way, in contrast to Tweety's brave (cowardly) bullying of others on Hardball, when he is on the Don ANUS show he COWERS and GROVELS. ANUS told him to CALM DOWN and WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU, which Tweety TOOK.
Punch One: "Are you (daring to be) saying that the pRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES---------gasp, LIED???????-----------YES OR NO, YES OR NO."
Punch Two: "CLINTON used the SAME intelligence sources to A) bomb an aspirin factory B) bomb Iraq-------then afterward went in front of the public and used the SAME reasons (Shrub) gave for the Iraq Attack."
Punch Three: "All Democrat(ic) leaders voted FOR giving Shrub the go-ahead."
Tweety and HANNITY have been seen using these talking points, shouting down and badgering the hapless Dem targets they pick as OUR representatives. The satellite delay also works against the hapless guests, who start talking then stop while they listen to the interruption, losing whatever steam they had. The word "coward" is also used, as in, "You're a COWARD not to say yes-no or stand up for implying Shrub LIED."
Punch #4: (Used by Dennis MILLER, O'REILLY, HANNITY, et al.) "Forget the 'reasons'----All I need is to see those SMILING CHILDREN. Saddam's gone, you didn't want Saddam GONE, hmmmmm?????"