How can my co-worker not know about Walter Reed? HOW?
This is a common rant perhaps, but, I have seen this scandal all over the news I watch and follow. Maybe my coworker watches Fox? She seems to care a lot more about Anna Nicole than anything else.
Fox's selective viewpoints and coverage mean you can't even have discourse about important issues with your friends and neighbors. This frightens me. Their framing of the issues is like brainwashing, dumbing everyone down without people realizing it, until Fox viewers gradually find infotainment-all-happy-news-all-the-time acceptable and raise an eyebrow at anything else. If the tee-vee doesn't say so, it must not have happened. What an abuse of the public trust. I swear people are splitting into classes based on the news channel they watch. Yeah, I know I hang out on liberal sites and watch Keith O, but I can still think critically or disagree. Do Fox viewers have this capacity or is it being mind-numbed out of them? If people don't know they have to seek out information on their own and just passively absorb what they are fed then we are in a world of trouble.
Ok, rant off. Just had to share.