from TPM Muckraker:
Rescuing Fannie and Freddie: Let's Draw BloodBy Dean Baker - July 12, 2008, 6:08PM
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are going under and the economists are surprised. Those of us who actually pay attention to the economy (instead of just getting paid to be "economists") knew that the crash of the housing bubble would put these mortgage giants in danger. (I'm on record from back in October, 2002.)
Okay, we all should know that economists generally don't have a clue, but what should we do about the impending collapse of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae? Well, it would be a devastating blow to the housing market to lose Fannie and Freddie even in the best of times, but it would really be a disaster to let them collapse in the middle of the housing meltdown, at a point where they directly or indirectly finance 70 percent of new mortgages.
So, we have to keep them going, but we also have to make sure the clowns that wrecked these huge companies feel the pain.
The recipe is simple. We impose some serious compensation limits as a condition of getting taxpayer dollars. How about $2 million a year? Yes, that is $2 million a year counting everything, salary, stock options, bonuses, use of corporate jets etc. (And if they lie, they go to jail for the rest of their lives - no more jokes from incompetent rich people.)
Is $2 million too low, will we lose top executives? First, who cares? These are people who were too dumb to see the largest housing bubble in the history of the world. If we lose them is that going to be bad news for Fannie and Freddie's future?
The other question is what alternative employment options do these people have? Are they going to make more money bussing tables and cleaning toilets? That's not very likely. .....(more)
The complete piece is at: