In a world where Famine is on the way, an unavoidable Hunger on the horizon, a leader arises and does the only thing he can.
Make people love it.
Brave Hero, shouting from the top of a rusted combine, in a field of baked earth: Praise the Glory! All of us, ALL of us, still have clinging to our bodies the evidence of our selfishness and greed. Yes, you may look down on the man with the beer belly, the woman with the welfare hips, and rightly you say to them - you do more than damage your own heart, you damage the heart of your Nation! Do you imagine yourself an island? But all of us, each of us, can still do more and give more.
In your greed and in your weakness, you reached for the ice cream, the hamburgers, the Fluffernutter sandwiches! You wanted to do the right thing, to make yourself a strong cell in the national body, but your will was weak. But now... Fortune smiles, and dries up the sugar, the starch, the dairy cows. This is not a problem. This is Providence, helping all of us to shed the weight of self-indulgence! The invisible hand has come to support us and guide us in our national fast, that the body and spirit of the People will be strong again! To blessed hunger! To fortunate famine! To a beautiful, strong, healthy future!
Originally posted by UncleSepp in a discussion about food prices.
Oddly enough, I have heard people express this sentiment when told about the shrinking amount of products in packages.
The only difference from Sepp's semi-absurd "bizarre movie plot" is the people don't even need a leader to tell them to think this way; they come to these conclusions on their own.