If DU has any power in the world it is the potential to change minds by providing a forum in which to share FACTS and TRUTHS with one another.
We don't need to strive to be the "Most Liberal Website" in the world, or the "Most Democratic". Personally I would rather be right than devout. In order to be certain that we have arrived at the truth of a matter I think that it goes without saying that as much evidence as possible should be examined, and that we should consider opinions based on their own merit.
If we want to have any pretense at knowing the best course of action (such as say promoting Wind power over "clean coal"), then we shouldn't be afraid to discuss the pros and cons of each argument.
Presumably when we've found the best course of action we can use DU to concentrate our efforts at promoting our shared values and goals.
Let's all PLEASE try to engage in intelligent discussion when someone says something that we consider "not left enough". Otherwise what the hell is the point of coming on here? Is it just an opportunity to get that lovely tingle that can only be found in the middle of a mob? I don't think so. Echo chambers and group think lead to things like Free Republic and the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
That said - some people really do deserve a granite cookie. But lets at least plant some seeds of doubt in them before we kick them out! Who knows, maybe they'll doubt things enough to stay home this fall ;)
I say: Let the best argument that is supported by facts WIN! :woohoo: