For nigh on 27 years now, I have watched the neoconservative machine in action, ever since Regan launched Reaganomics, the great "trickle down" theory. It sounded good on paper, supposedly if we gave the richest big tax cuts, corporate welfare etc. and would just roll out the proverbial red carpet for the aristocratic class in this country, it would be good for all of us. I mean after all, they own the businesses, create jobs, build infrasturcture and so on and so forth, so surely, unencumbered by "excessive government", they could create a utopia beyond our wildest dreams.
But, in all the fervor and rush to kiss their diamond encrusted asses, an important question remained unasked by the architects of the great "trickle down" plan. The question: What if they don't? What if they just decide to pocket everything they can get their greedy paws on and to hell with the "common people"? Surely there would have been some caveat built in to the plan to avoid completely wrecking the economy, right? Wrong!
So here we are, 27 or so years later, somewhere along the way "supply side economics" replaced "trickle down", but it's still the same story. CEOs take hundreds of millions for wrecking companies and pop the ripcord on their golden parachutes. Bank failures, fuel prices, inflation, stagnant wages and the list goes on.
Now I turn on the TV and hear the same old tired rhetoric from the right wing politicians and pundits. "If we could just reduce taxes on the wealthy some more, eliminate the cappital gains tax, repeal the *death tax*.....my god if we could just eliminate taxes,regulations and accountibility for the billionaire class,WE'D ALL LIVE IN THAT SHINING CITY ON THE HILL!!" :eyes:
So I'm forced to wonder, when will the average republican voter finally wake up and get it? They love to harp on "wealth re-distribution", but in truth we have witnessed the greatest heist in the history of the world, with the "wealth re-distribution" running the other way. My gods, will they ever get it, or are they so blinded by their hatred of gays and fear of "godless liberals" that they will vote all of us into a hopeless, 3rd world plutocracy?
It sure seems that way. :(