I hate to be a downer, but nothing's going to happen.
Bush isn't going to be impeached.
Rove isn't going to testify.
No one's going to prison for the failure of IndyMac, FreddicMac, or FannieMae. No executive is going to have to trade down in terms of housing.
The Iraq war will or won't end any time soon, and nothing we say or do will make a difference. And no one's going be held accountable for the travesty.
The Bush administration will continue to do its damndest to destroy this nation right up until 11:59 am on January 20, 2009.
Women's rights? Oxymoron.
Guantanamo Bay will or won't close. Torture will or won't continue. But nothing we do will make a difference.
Gas will never be $1.50 per gallon again. For that matter, neither will milk. Again, nothing will change that.
Jobs will continue to be outsourced, except in those instances where foreign companies choose, for whatever reason, to insource some jobs back to the US, at much lower wages.
Health care costs will continue to skyrocket, and even when RWers' families are left in financial disarray due to medical costs or job loss, they will continue to vote Republican.
The RW punditocracy will not shut up.
No one is going to challenge McCain on his seriously deficient personal and professional ethics or history. He may very well be the next president.
Despite our best efforts, absolutely nothing will be done to fix the electronic voting mess. From now on, we will never be sure that our elected officials have been elected or have defrauded their way into office.
American children will continue to get fatter, earlier as sports and PE programs are completely eradicated.
Quality public education. Another oxymoron, except in wealthy districts.
Republicans will continue to deny global warming, even when Las Vegas is on the coast and Martha's Vineyard becomes Martha's Reef.
I'm from the government and I'm here to help is no longer a light-hearted joke but fighting words. Is anyone comforted, for example, when FEMA responds to a disaster or USDA puts any number of certifications on food and drugs?
Consider the recent salmonella scare with tomatoes, or was it onions? Or peppers? Oh, it was jalapenos, maybe. Maybe not. In restaurants. Or fresh, in stores. Or not. Consider for a moment if this were a genuine attack on our food supply. Keystone Kops, anyone? Has it been resolved? Out of sight, out of mind.
Toyota hasn't had a losing quarter since around 1950 (more or less). The American car companies are losing billions and laying off thousands. Foreign carmakers are extending their lines of hybrid vehicles, which have been under development or in production for some time. American carmakers killed the electric car. I guess short-sightedness is a virtue in Detroit.
For a projected reduction of four cents per gallon, the republicans want to drill offshore and in ANWR and destroy what remains of our environmental protections. Did I mention that this savings will show up in a decade or so. Gosh, what will I do with the savings? Does anyone question them on this?
The FBI still doesn't have the capacity to quickly share information throughout its own system - almost a decade after 9/11. Has anyone been fired for this failure?
The Governor of Georgia thinks it's just fine for civilians to carry concealed weapons in the airport. I feel safer already. Take this to its full potential, with tens of thousands of people passing through Hartsfield every day. Let's hope the air conditioning doesn't give out.
All branches of the US military have essentially become prosyletizing wings of a range of evangelical churches, with the blessing (so to speak) of senior military officers. Although there have been a few articles on this, nothing has changed.
Speaking of the military, McCain says he will abide by the guidance offered by Gen. Petraeus. Last I looked, a civilian is the commander in chief. Guess not. Has anyone mentioned this to McCain?
Dennis Kucinich is nothing if not persistent. Pretty amazing, really. Sorry, though. Nothing will come of it.
Notwithstanding an embarrassment of riches in terms of perps, there will be no perp walks.
According to a shocking percentage of Americans, the universe was created roughly 6,000 years ago. Is it any wonder the Chinese constitute the largest percentage of doctoral students in the US?
I probably should have written this out and then deleted it and skipped posting it. And I suppose it seems as if I'm ready to jump off the nearest building. I'm not. I'm pretty positive about Obama, my own personal situation is okay enough. But I just don't see anything changing, and I guess the DU echo chamber just got to me. What I find particularly disturbing, I suppose, is that even with a majority in Congress and the prospect of a Democratic president, I don't see that anyone is going to be held accountable and that the work needed to undo the damage of the past eight years is going to take generations.
So, cheer me up. Or flame away. Or put me on ignore and chalk me up as one of Phil Gramm's whiners and complainers.